We know at this time there is even more changes coming up for your baby developmentally and they are growing so quickly. You might have started to introduce solid food to your baby also wondering when they will start moving around crawling and how can you prepare your home for this.
Below you will find lots of information and advice to support your child’s health, development and your mental health.
If you would like to discuss anything about your child’s health and development, please contact the Health Visiting Team on 0300 300 1999 or visit your local child health clinic.
Babies rely on adults to keep the safe. there are lots of things you can do around your home and when out and about to protect your baby and prevent accidents and injuries from happening. Use the links below for further information and advice.
At 6 months, your baby needs more nutrition than breastmilk/first infant formula alone. Your baby should be introduced to a varied diet, alongside their usual breastmilk or first infant formula.
Lots of parents worry and wonder about how to start introducing solid food to their baby. Our infant feeding team is here to support you with your feeding journey. Below are links to our infant feeding page and further advice and information on introducing food to your baby.
As your baby is continuing to grow and develop, so are the thousands of questions you may have, “When will they say their first word?” or, “When will my baby start crawling?”
Remember every baby is unique and develops at their own pace. Everything you do with your baby continues to support their development. Below are information links on supporting your baby’s development.
Babies learn from everything and everyone around them. The more you talk, play, read to your baby, will shape their brain and support their development.
When at home or out and about take advantage of these little moments to support this. Below is information, advice and play ideas to support home learning.
At 6 months of age your baby will be experimenting with sounds and becoming expressive with the sounds they make. They will also begin to make more purposeful sounds like ‘ma, Da, ah, oh’.
Your baby will enjoy you talking, singing and interacting with them. Below are links to support speech, language and communication development.
How are you?
Taking care of yourself and looking after your wellbeing is important. If you are worried about the way you are feeling, please talk to your Health Visitor or Doctor. They will sign post you to the support you need.
There are also lots of things you can do to support your wellbeing. The links below will provide you with information advice and support.
Your baby should sleep in the same room as you for at least the first six months. When you are ready to move your baby into their own sleeping environment it is important to continue to follow safe sleep advice.
If you are breastfeeding and planning on returning to work, education or training you might be wondering whether you can continue breastfeeding your baby.
The answer is yes, it is completely possible. Below is information to support you on returning to work after having your baby whether you are breastfeeding or not.