What we do
We offer health information, support, and advice to children, young people and their families who attend an educational setting in Thurrock. We also provide support to children and young people in Thurrock who are not in education.
The service focuses on:
- Signposting for healthy lifestyles, risky behaviours, and health promotion. (Please see links in resources)
- Enuresis Clinic (Nocturnal bed wetting) and toileting support advice.
- Working with the multi-disciplinary teams to safeguard vulnerable children and young people in supporting and signposting as appropriate.
- Routine and targeted hearing and vision screening for school aged children.
- Development growth screening (National Child Measurement Programme) for reception and year 6 children.
- Transitional health support questionnaire for year 6 and year 10 students.
- Onward referrals and signposting to specialist services to further support the children, young people, and families.
- Close working with GPs and other health services, Thurrock Social Care, and the voluntary sector.
The School Health service compromises of a skill-mix of professionals:
- School Nurses
- Community Staff Nurses
- School Health Assistant Practitioners
- Community Nursery Nurses
- Admin staff
Click the link below to visit our resources page for helpful information for each stage of your child's development.