We know at this time there are many changes coming up for your baby developmentally and you might be thinking about how you can support your baby’s development further or wondering when they will start teething.
Below you will find lots of information and advice to support your child’s health, development and your mental health.
If you would like to discuss anything about your child’s health and development, please contact the Health Visiting team on 0300 300 1999 or visit your local child health clinic.
At this stage you may be starting to think about how to introduce your baby to solid foods, advice has changed over the years and research now states babies only need breast or Stage one infant formula milk for the first six months of life, this gives time for your baby to develop so they can cope with solid foods.
Visit our Infant Feeding page for up-to-date information advice and support on feeding your baby.
As your baby grows and develops, you are likely to have thousands of questions, “When will my baby start to roll over?” or, “When will my baby start sitting unaided?”
Every baby is unique and will development at their own pace. Below are information links on supporting your baby’s development.
Babies learn from everything and everyone around them. The more you talk, play, read to your baby, will shape their brain and support their development. When at home or out and about take advantage of these little moments to support this. Below is information, advice and play ideas to support you.
You may be starting to think of the teething process, all babies are different, and the likelihood is your baby will probably get their first tooth during their first year of life.
Start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as the first milk tooth break through the gums. It is important to encourage good oral hygiene and teeth brushing routines right from the start.
We recommend taking your baby to the dentist when you go for a check-up and register your baby when there first tooth appears.
How are you?
The first few months after having a baby can be emotional and you could be feeling a mixture of emotions. Remember that you're not alone. Up to 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men can have feeling of depression or anxiety during pregnancy, or in the first year after childbirth.
If you are worried about the way you are feeling, please talk to your Health Visitor or Doctor. They will sign post you to the support you need. Visit our emotional wellbeing page for more information and advice.
It is important to remember every baby is different and some babies need more sleep than others. We don’t expect a baby to be able to sleep throughout the night.
As your baby grows their sleep patterns will constantly change. The safest place for your baby to sleep, for first 6 month is in a cot in the same room as you. Below is information on safe sleep and promoting good sleep habits.