The Child Development Team offers diagnostic management, assessment and on-going support of any child who may have a disability or developmental difficulties.
Multi-disciplinary involvement from specialist nurses, pediatricians, therapy services, and special educational needs (SEN) early years services ensures regular assessment of the child’s needs as required.
All children referred to the child development team will be discussed at the weekly specialist children referral panel to provide an integrated response from health and local authority services (education, social care, early intervention team, SEN services) to ensure children receive the appropriate multi support required.
Referrals can be made by completing the integrated referral form via email or by post.
Referrals should be completed electronically for legibility, and all sections should contain as much detail as possible.
For referrals to the Child Development Centre (CDC), please ensure that sections 5 and 7-11 are completed.
Child Development Centre
Wood Street Health Centre
6 Linford Road
E17 3LA
Email: WFscsReferrals@nelft.nhs.uk
For enquiries related to referrals: 0208 430 7940
Tel: 0300 300 1574.