Local Offer: Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) | London Borough of Waltham Forest
Who is it for? The Local Offer is for:
The Local Offer should:
If your child has a learning and developmental delay or SEND the health professionals working with your family should have made a referral to the Councils Early Years Inclusion Pathway. Through the referral, we can ensure that you are regularly provided with a range of information to support your child’s learning and development. We can also ensure they are ready for school and that the right nursery and Reception Class is available for them. There is also a range of support available to support your family's health and wellbeing.
Waltham Forest SEND Service | The Hub - Waltham Forest Education Hub
Most children and young people with special educational needs will have their needs met through extra support provided by the education setting. This is known as SEN Support and can include a wide range of provision and interventions.
SEN Team
Wood Street Health Centre
6 Linford Road
E17 3LA
Tel: 020 8496 6500
Home to School Transport
Transport and getting around | London Borough of Waltham Forest
Special Educational Needs Disabilities (SEND) Information Advice and Support service (SENDIASS) provides impartial information advice and support on all matters relating to children and young people with SEND. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) for children, young people, parents and carers within the Waltham Forest area.
This service is free, accessible, confidential, impartial, and provided at arm’s length from the Local Authority.
Waltham Forest :: Home (walthamforestsendiass.org.uk)
Waltham Forest Parent’s Forum is a friendly, voluntary group of parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities aged 0 to 25 in Waltham Forest. You can join the forum through their website and find out more about their regular support groups.
Waltham Forest Carers First offers a weekly borough-wide Parent's Talk Time group where parents get the chance to talk, share useful information, and support each other in a safe environment.
More information on various support for families via Waltham Forest Local Offer:
You can access a short break in the following ways:
Route 1: Through the Local Offer and mainstream services available for children and families in Waltham forest (no assessment or allocation of Short Breaks is required)
Route 2: If you are currently being supported by a Social Worker, Early Help Practitioner or SEND Officer you can ask them to make a professional’s referral as they will be completing an assessment with your family.
Route 3: You can complete a self-referral. Information and guidance and a guide to completing the form is available below
Here are some links to national and local websites which offer advice on welfare benefits:
Transition to adult health services for young people with SEN is the process of moving from children's to adult healthcare, ensuring they continue to receive the right support as they grow older. This transition is important because adult services work differently from children's services, and planning ahead helps ensure there are no gaps in care. From age 14, young people should start having discussions about their future healthcare needs, and by 16-18, they will gradually move to adult services, with support to help them and their families navigate the process.
These links provide a clear overview of how adult health services are offered and how families can access them if needed.
If the young person has special educational needs (SEN), they may also find this Transition Support Tool (Transitions Flow Tool) helpful. It’s designed to guide families through the SEND support systems in adulthood, particularly in relation to health.
Additionally, there is a Preparing for Adulthood Guide (5d2d9a_f18a829c1d4d4207b7319f48b3ff622e.pdf), which can be found on the pages above or via the Waltham Forest Parents Forum.