You may hear this being referred to as stuttering, dysfluency, bumpy talking or getting stuck. Stammering is when a person:
Your child may have some or all of the above types of stammer. They may also show some behaviours associated with their stammer e.g. blinking, facial tension, nodding their head or tapping their leg as they try to force the word out. They may also take a sharp breath before speaking, use a lead in word or phrase or use lots of fillers e.g. ‘um’ ‘err’ when talking.
The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering
Download our leaflet for more information and facts on stammering: Stammering.pdf [pdf] 665KB
It is not known why some children stammer, but there are a number of different factors that impact on a child’s ability to talk fluently. It is common for young children, especially between the ages of 2 and 5 to experience disruptions to their talking. When they are learning to talk and their vocabulary is increasing, they may experience hesitancies, disruptions and repetitions when talking. This may be more apparent when they are tired or excited. This often comes and goes and for many children will disappear as their language develops.
Stammering can develop gradually or come on suddenly and it can fluctuate over time or remain constant. For some children stammering will be persistent and they may need therapy. Approximately, 1% of children who stammer go on to stammer into adulthood.
We would advise that you refer your child for assessment if any of the following apply:
Meeting with other children and/or parents can be really beneficial. Some groups focus on peer support and/or offer opportunities to work on speech or self-confidence. Some national groups are: