Bereavement Resources
Child Bereavement UK
Has services tailored to young people, including information on…
- The path of grief
- How to cope with your feelings
- What helps to move forward
- A useful links page
- Helpline: 0800 02 888 40
Child Bereavement UK Support Sessions
Stratford, 107-109 The Grove London, E15 1HP
- Face-to-face support for bereaved young people up to 25 years old
- Services are free and offered by train support practitioners
- Groups for young people aged 11-25 and drop-in services
- More information on: https://www.childbereavementuk.org/east-london
- COVID-19: we are continuing to offer free, confidential bereavement support by telephone, video or instant messenger. We are offering face-to-face support in limited locations with COVID-19 safety measures in place.
Cruse Bereavement Care
Offer general information about grief and bereavement
- Website: https://www.cruse.org.uk/
- Helpline: 0808 808 16677
- Hope Again: youth website of Cruse Bereavement Care
- Personal and family stories
- Useful links
- Video Resources and blogs
- General Information
- https://www.hopeagain.org.uk/
Grief Encounter
Supports bereaved children and young people
- Helpline from Mon-Fri 9am-9pm 0808 802 0111
- Online confidential chat with professionals
The Loss Foundation
Is a UK charity dedicated to providing bereavement support following the loss of a loved one to cancer.
- Offer in-person support in London and offer support groups
- Hold supportive social events
- https://thelossfoundation.org/about/
Supportive online community-if you’re struggling to cope you can find support, share tips and experiences and chat to others that are in the same position to you
- No commitment
- Professionals can also help
- You can sign up with your email
- https://www.elefriends.org.uk/
A free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
- A chatting support service Open from Monday-Friday 12pm-10pm and Saturday-Sunday 6pm-10pm
- Must make an account to access the website but the username can be anonymous
- Link: https://www.kooth.com/
Young Minds
An organisation dedicated to helping improve the mental health of children and young people.
- “Grief and Loss” https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/feelings-and-symptoms/grief-and-loss/
- Contains information on what grief is, working through your grief, and where to get help
Organisation set up if you need someone to talk to. It is a free and confidential service.
- Just call 116 123 or write to jo@samaritans.org and get a response in 24hr
- Link: https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan/
Muslim Bereavement Support Service (Ilford)
- Provide individual or group support for Muslim community in times of grief
- Contact us via our telephone service and we will arrange for you to talk to one of our support specialists, either on the phone or face to face at an appropriate community venue.
- Contact us via email: info@mbss.org.uk
- Tel: 020 3468 7333
- http://mbss.org.uk/
Eden’s Trust (Hackney, Barking and Dagenham, Redbridge, Wanstead, North east London)
Support for bereaved parents, siblings, and families
- Have one to one guided support therapy
- Wanstead House, 21 The Green, Wanstead, London, E11 2NT
- Tel: 07814550375
- http://www.edenstrust.org.uk/
City and East London Bereavement Service (Tower Hamlets, Newham, Waltham Forest, City)
Offer individual counselling both short and long term to those who have suffered a bereavement
- Alpha Grove Community Centre, The corner of Alpha Grove and Malabar St, London, E14 8LH
- Tel: 02030225177
- http://www.celbs.org.uk/
When People Die: Stories From Young People
- A child’s grief by Julie Stokes, Katrina Alilovic, and Heidi Baker—recommended by Winston’s Wish
- As big as it gets By Diana Crossley and Di Stubbs—recommended by Winston’s Wish
- Never too young to grieve recommended by Winston’s Wish
- For children under 5 years old
- You just don’t understand recommended by Winston’s Wish
- For teenagers
- Still Here with me: Teenagers and Children on Losing a Parent by Suzanne Sjoqvist—recommended by
Child Bereavement UK
- The essential guide to life after bereavement: Beyond tomorrow by Judy Carole Kauffmann— recommended by ReadingWell.org.uk
- ISBN: 9781849053358
- Available in Redbridge Libraries: https://llc.ent.sirsidynix.net.uk/client/en_GB/redbridge/search/results?qu=9781849053358&te= &lm=REDBRIDGE
- Grief works: stories of life, death and surviving by Julia Samuel recommended by Community Education in Death Awareness and Resources (CEDAR)
- For teenagers
- ISBN: 9780241270776
- Available in Redbridge Libraries: https://llc.ent.sirsidynix.net.uk/client/en_GB/redbridge/search/results?qu=9780241270776&te=&lm=REDBRIDGE
- When Someone Very Special Dies: Children Can Learn to Cope with Grief (Drawing Out Feelings) by Marge Heegaard
Bereavement by sudden death can bring additional layers of shock, horror, or disbelief. Please find some useful links that provide additional advice and support for bereavement by suicide and other types of sudden deaths.
Child Bereavement UK has sections specifically for bereavement by sudden death including suicide
- https://www.childbereavementuk.org/sudden-death-including-accidents-suicide-and-homicide
- Useful books
- Red Chocolate Elephants: for children bereaved by suicide by Diana C. Sands
- Beyond the rough rock by Di Stubbs, Julie Stokes, and Heidi Baker
- More books at: https://www.childbereavementuk.org/resources-for-bereavement-by-sudden-death
More book recommendations…
- By Child Bereavement UK: https://www.childbereavementuk.org/resources-for-children-and-young-people
- By Little Parachute https://www.littleparachutes.com/category/issues/death-bereavement/
Grief support for young people (in association with Child Bereavement UK)
- Developed for 11-25-year old
- Has information on… bereavement, feelings, grief, how others can help, and writings made by other young be
- A part of me: A quest into loss and love (in association with Child Bereavement UK)
- Designed to help you cope with the death of a loved one and provides safe place to grieve where young people can find support strength, and wisdom from others
- Available in UK from IOS App Store and on Google Play
- https://apartofme.app/
- Aimed at promoting wellbeing through meditation and mindfulness to cope with grief
- More information on: https://www.headspace.com/blog/2018/03/14/grief-and-meditation/
British Heart Foundation
Woodside bereavement service
Winston’s wish video stories
Support After Suicide
- Page for support and advice after the death of a sibling: https://supportaftersuicide.org.uk/siblings/
- Online Guide “Help is at Hand” https://supportaftersuicide.org.uk/support-guides/help-is-at-hand/
- Online Guide “Finding the words: https://supportaftersuicide.org.uk/support-guides/help-is-at-hand/
- Support and advice for if you have witnessed a suicide https://supportaftersuicide.org.uk/i-didnt-even-know-the-person/
Winston’s Wish is a member of the Suicide Bereavement Support Partnership
- General advice and information on feelings after a sudden death: https://www.winstonswish.org/feelings-and-thoughts/
- Online guide: https://www.winstonswish.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Help-is-at-Hand.pdf
- Online guide “When someone may have died by suicide”https://www.childbereavementuk.org/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=5abf2175-8135-426e-8189-9e1a3aea47a4
- Online guide “Supporting children and young people bereaved by suicide”https://www.childbereavementuk.org/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=2691448b-c217-4b3f-a2fe-fd2f4328445b
- Online guide: Supporting children and young people bereaved by murder or manslaughter”https://www.childbereavementuk.org/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=047c52ad-581d-4f76-ba56-6ef27326b522
- Video “Explaining to a child that someone has died by suicide” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A1gCd8oy9c
- Video “Supporting a child after a frightening event” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxuQLdBjpZc
- Helpline: 08088 020 021 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide: have a webpage dedicated to tips and advice on supporting children and young people
- Offer information on how to talk to your child, changes in behavior, returning to school, the funeral and more resources for parents
- Link: https://uksobs.org/about/suicide-bereavement/supporting-the-bereaved/supporting-children-and-young-adults/
Sue Ryder: “How do I support a bereaved child?”
- https://www.sueryder.org/how-we-can-help/someone-close-to-me-has-died/advice-and-support/how-do-i-support-a-bereaved-child
- Also offer online chat groups: https://support.sueryder.org/community?_ga=2.263818949.898544477.1567854419-1319287886.1567854419
- PDF guide “How to explain death to children and young people https://www.barnardos.org.uk/child_bereavement_booklet_explaining_death.pdf
Understanding Childhood has sections on helping parents and children cope when someone dies:
- http://www.understandingchildhood.net/posts/bereavement-helping-parents-and-children-cope-when-someone-close-to-them-dies/
- Comes with information for different age groups
Winston’s Wish
- Online PDF guide: supporting a bereaved child or young person: a guide for parents and carers https://www.winstonswish.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/ww-0112-guideforpar.pdf
- Has email form where you can ask questions (free and confidential)—respond within 2 working days
- Free helpline (08088 020 021) 9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday,
- Online chat (Wednesday and Friday from 12 – 4pm)
- More resources: https://www.winstonswish.org/supporting-you/publications-resources/
Mission Health
A parent’s guide to talking to your kids about death (with sections for children of all ages) https://blog.mission-health.org/2018/09/27/parent-guide-talking-kids-about-death/
Childhood Bereavement Network
This system helps you find the services nearest to you: http://www.childhoodbereavementnetwork.org.uk/help-around-a-death/find-help-near-you.aspx
American Academy of Pediatrics
- Online guide “After a Loved One Dies: How Children Grieve and how parents and other adults can support them”
- https://www.aap.org/en-us/advocacy-and-policy/aap-health-initiatives/Children-and-Disasters/Documents/After-a-Loved-One-Dies-English.pdf
Cruse Bereavement Care: Has a webpage dedicated to advice and information on how to help a child or young person
- Link: https://www.cruse.org.uk/get-help/for-parents/how-to-help-a-child-or-young-person
- Also offer a free helpline: 0808 808 1677 open Mon-Fri 9:30-5pm (email: helpline@cruse.org.uk)
NHS has a page dedicated to children and bereavement with information to help if your child has lost a loved one or if a loved one is dying
- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/children-and-bereavement/
- Includes how to make a memory box and list of resources to contact
Young Minds: an organization dedicated to helping improve the mental health of children and young people
- Have a page dedicated to information about supporting your child with grief and loss split up into different age groups
- Link to the webpage: https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/for-parents/parents-guide-to-support-a-z/parents-guide-to-support-grief-and-loss/
- Parent online guide: https://youngminds.org.uk/media/3675/bereavement-updated-dec-2019.pdf
Child Mind Institute has a page called “Helping Children Deal with Grief”
- Contains information and advice on how to talk to your children about death
- https://childmind.org/article/helping-children-deal-grief/
Marie Curie : organization dedicated to end of life care
- “How grief may affect children” website page with advice and information if a child has lost a loved one due to a terminal illness
- Link: https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/help/support/bereaved-family-friends/supporting-grieving-child/grief-affect-child
Dying Matters: Coalition of individual and organizational members across England and Wales which aim to help people talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement.
- Consists of a webpage full of resources that help talking about death and dying
- Includes videos, book recommendations, spiritual care services, and more
- Link: https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/help/support/bereaved-family-friends/supporting-grieving-child/grief-affect-child
Winston’s Wish: Official webpage for school support https://www.winstonswish.org/supporting-you/support-for-schools/
- Offers general information, charters, and guides
- Project Eileen CIC: multi-media project for secondary schools aimed at helping young people tackle the topic of death
- Suggested reading lists for children of all ages in dealing with bereavement: https://www.winstonswish.org/suggested-reading-list/
- School information packet: https://www.mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk/media/1152/resource_beareavement-and-loss-assembly-plans.pdf
Child Bereavement UK
For primary schools: https://www.childbereavementuk.org/pages/category/primary-schools
- For secondary schools: https://www.childbereavementuk.org/pages/category/secondary-schools
- Offer general information of how to deal with bereavement, school policies, books, and resources
- School information pack: https://www.childbereavementuk.org/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=a35f83e5-e4ad-49e1-8b01-7e7d55ffa528
- Elephants tea party: school initiative to raise topics of death and grief in sensitive and age-appropriate way, helps increase emotional literacy and life skills https://www.childbereavementuk.org/Pages/Category/elephants-tea-party
Cruse Bereavement Care : https://www.cruse.org.uk/get-help/for-schools
- Offers various sections of advice for dealing with death and grief in a school environment
Massachusetts General Hospital: Online toolkit to help educators support children of parents with serious illnesses (online PDF) https://www.mghpact.org/assets/media/documents/MGH-Cancer-Educator-Toolkit.pdf
Anna Freud: Mentally healthy schools
- Resource for overall wellbeing during the winter time for schools: https://www.mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk/media/1927/winter-wellbeing-toolkit.pdf
- Bereavement and loss information page: https://www.mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk/mental-health-needs/bereavement-and-loss/?searchTerm=bereavement
- MindEd offers an online course on loss and grief: https://www.minded.org.uk/Component/Details/448769
Sesame Street: educational video for helping kids grieve: https://sesamestreetincommunities.org/professional-development/training-videos/?training=helping-kids-grieve
- Making a memory box: memory box help children remember the special things of their loved one who died such as photos, drawings, items of clothing or books that they used to read. The children can then decorate the box and look at the items when they are missing their loved one: https://sesamestreetincommunities.org/topics/grief/?activity=making-memory-box
- Activity page: this page contains a variety of activities and worksheets that schools can do with bereaved children https://sesamestreetincommunities.org/topics/grief/
NHS online guide: “A whole school approach to supporting loss and bereavement” https://www.goodlifedeathgrief.org.uk/content/resources/Whole_School_Approach_to_LossAndBereavement).pdf
Childline Toolbox: website paged filled with games and activities to help children articulate how they are feeling https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/