Photo of a mum and child leaning over a sink playing with water

CAMHS Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Resources

Last updated: August 2021

STAAR (supporting together those with Autism and Asperger’s in Redbridge)

  • STAAR is a group of people in and around the London Borough of Redbridge living with autistic spectrum disorder, their parents, families, carers and other supporters
  • Covid-19: all STAAR clubs and events are postponed until further notice (May 2021)
  • Offer various events and activities for different age groups
    • Game STAARS Club: weekly game club for young people (age appropriate games)
    • Out and About: led by young volunteers who organize monthly outings for individuals aged 15-25yr
    • Social Events: for carers only or family trips
For information about upcoming dates please check this link: https://www.staar-
  • Coffee Mornings: for parents and carers to share experiences and information with others
  • STAAR Markets: held every 4months to give young members and opportunity to become a volunteer (help with the stalls, refreshments, leaflets etc.)

The Redbridge Forum

A charity organisation based in Redbridge with an aim to improve the quality of life for people with a learning disability (including ASD) and their carers.
  • Projects:
    • Fun 4 All: offers children and their family’s activities during the school holidays such as ice skating, theme parks, the zoo, swimming etc.
      • To join please call 020 8478 7571 and ask for Olivia for a membership form, or download one from the website and post it.
      • Link:
    • True Colours: weekly youth club help on Wednesday for individuals aged 14-21yr
      • Includes a number of exciting trips such as bowling, cinema, parks etc.
      • Meets at the office from 7:00am
      • For more information, call 020 8478 7571 and ask for Karen
      • On Target helps individuals with a learning disability or ASD over the age of 13 and/or their family/carers to move closer towards employment
        • Help in conducting a job sears, make a CV, interview skills, as well as support for those transitioning into adult services

Resources for Autism

A registered charity providing practical services for children and adults with a diagnosis of autism. This is a national service, so anyone living in Redbridge can access it.
They contain a team of trained autism specialist staff and volunteers that offer a range of support.
  • What they offer:
    • Individual care packages: 1:1 service involving home visits from staff and individualized work
    • Reach out home support: 1:1 support for anyone with a diagnosis of autism of any age
      • Provision is usually 2-3hr a week, every week, for up to 6 months
      • This service is free for the volunteer befriending but if a higher level of support is needed there will be a charge
      • This charge can be met from private income or local authority personal budget allocations, or a mix
  • Music and Art therapy: HCPC registered therapists for children and young people with a diagnosis of autism
  • Includes a 4-week assessment period to establish if this is the appropriate intervention for your child
  • Individual therapy offered weekly for 6 months and subject to review
  • There is a waiting list and a means-tested charge—to be included you must fill out a referral form
  • For more information please telephone on 020 8458 3259.
  • Please note: Music and Art Therapy is only available at 858 Finchley Road. You must be able to travel to our North London base weekly.
  • Behaviour support: A free specialist service which helps children look at positive ways of managing difficulties in areas such as toileting, sleep, eating difficulties, transitions, sexualised behaviours and anger
    • In London: can offer home visits for assessments
  • Play and Youth Clubs: for children aged 8-19
  • Transport cannot be provided
  • Runs on weekends and after school in various venues
  • They are age, ability and sometimes geographically specific and once your referral is received your child will be assessed, usually at a home visit, as to which group would best suit their needs.
  • There is a small charge and usually has a waiting list so you must fill out a referral form
  • Holiday Play Schemes: for young people ages 8-19 in several boroughs in LondonOne to one support is also available
  • Summer schemes: 1-week blocks based around a specific themes; Shorter schemes: run for one to two days
  • They do not provide transport
  • They are age, ability and sometimes geographically specific and once your referral is received your child will be assessed, usually at a home visit, as to which group would best suit their needs.
  • There are waiting lists so you must fill out a referral form and there is a small charge. No one is turned away for financial reasons.
  • Sunday Family Drop in takes place in North West London, on Sundays from 2pm-5pm
  • Contact number: 02084 583 259
  • London office: 858 Finchley Road, London, NW11 6AB
  • Link to website:

London Autism Group Charity

A service dedicated to help autistic people, their family, carers, professionals and organisations. This is a national service, so anyone living in Redbridge can access it.
As a provider of essential services, they are exempt from restrictions regarding face-to-face services (both groups and 1:1) and so, will continue to run all our services using a mixed model of online and face-to-face where appropriate (May 2021).
  • Private Facebook support group: consists of almost 2000 members across London and the South-
  • Autism podcast: the UK’s number 1 most listened to autism related podcast and one of the most popular internationally
  • Solace: early intervention for parents and families to help cope with autism-related stigma
    • Consists of 8 weekly group meetings every Thursday at 8pm
    • The first, fourth and eighth meeting take place in-person at a locally arranged venue, the other 5 meetings take place through Zoom (online)
    • Run semi-regularly throughout the year across London
    • Sessions last between 60-90 minutes from 8-9:30pm each week for 8weeks
    • Aims: improve wellbeing, develop skills to address and challenge misunderstandings, stereotypes, misconceptions of autism
    • Service is free but only 12 places are available to you must register quickly
    • To participate email:


A small voluntary support group run by parents/carers of children or adults on the Autistic Spectrum. This service can be accessed by anyone, including individuals living in Redbridge.
  • Parent coffee morning on the 2nd Tuesday of every month from 9:30-11:30am called the Lambeth Autism Group
    • This is an informal meeting to connect with other parents and carers with similar experiences. Occasionally, there are talks from specialists to offer advice.
    • This is currently being hosted online: 1/
    • Location: Thornton Chapel Room, Holy Trinity Church, Clapham Common SW4 0QZ
  • Workshops and seminars for parents/carers of children with autism that took place previously have been recorded and can be accessed with the following links.
  • Email:
  • Link:

National Autistic Society

A UK charity for people with Autism and their families. This is a national service, so anyone living in Redbridge can access it.
  • Helpline: for impartial, confidential information, advice and support 0808 800 4104
  • Open Mon-Thur 10 am-4pm and Fri 9am-3pm
  • Advice and guidance: The charity provides a wide range of information about autism – from what autism is, to diagnosis, socialising and relationships.
  • Educational services: deal with educational rights, difficulties in school, and run specific schools across the UK for children with different disabilities.
  • Educational Rights Helpline: Call 0808 800 4102
    • Provides information about educational rights, as well as advice on specific topics such as getting extra help in school, assessments.
  • Parent to Parent Emotional Support Helpline: A confidential emotional support service, provided over the phone by trained volunteers, who are all parents of autistic children and adults.
    • Call on 0808 800 4106, at any time, and leave a message on our 24-hour answerphone.
    • A volunteer will call you back as soon as possible at a time which suits you.
  • NAS centers offer
    • 1:1 support sessions which must be booked in advanced—1 or 2 hour slots at best time suited for you
    • These can be one off or regular occurrence session
    • Self-referrals as well as referrals by others are accepted
Branch closest to Redbridge is the Newham branch (can be accessed by individuals living in Redbridge)

Child Autism UK

A UK charity providing advice, support and Applied Behaviour Analysis services for children with autism and the families of autistic children.
  • Helpline for families: 01344 882248
    • Offers advice, Parent-to parent support, Training courses, Assistance with funding
  • Offers ABA programs: Intensive behavioural intervention
    • Supports you to provide intensive ABA for your child
  • Referral: accept both self- and referrals from professionals or others with your consent

Down’s Syndrome Association

They offer information, support and advice on any question or concern you have related to Down’s syndrome. Down’s Syndrome is not the same as Autism, however parents may find the service below can be beneficial to you if your child has ASD and/or Down’s Syndrome.
  • Topics include:
    • Emotional well-being resources: an innovative new set of resources to support the emotional well-being of children and adults with Down’s syndrome, and their parents and family-carers. These practical resources can be used to support various aspects of emotional well-being.
    • Growing up
    • Supporting behaviour positively
  • Health and well-being
  • They also have specialist advisers who can provide you with information and support on issues such as health, social care, benefits and education for people with Down’s syndrome.
o Tel: 0333 1212 300

SNAP – Special Needs and Parents

A charity for families with children and young people who have any special need or disability. This service is open to families in Redbridge, albeit with limited service opportunities as children that are registered under Essex County Council are prioritised for the activity groups. Parent training and workshops are freely accessible.
What they offer:
  • Resources, Guides, Information Sheets and Links: such as a Christmas Survival Guide which covers a variety of different topics, and provides strategies to help make the holiday period less stressful for all the family.
  • Snap Directory – Useful contacts for numerous areas, including education, health, community support, leisure time, all collated in one place for your ease
  • Information Network – Includes social and training opportunities in local areas, relaxed performances, events and useful articles. This network is updated on a fortnightly basis.
  • The SNAP Centre – Offers various events and activities for different age groups; majority have a small cost of £5.00 per session (children living in Essex County Council are prioritised)
  • Under 5s activities
    • SNAP on Mondays (12.30pm to 2.30pm during term time): A relaxed session
Therapeutic Thursdays (Selected Thursdays 12.30pm – 2.30pm during term time)
  • Music Therapy (Fridays during term time)
    • Cost: £40.00 for a five-week course of therapy
  • Diddlies Holiday Sessions (various times during school holidays)
  • Mini-Sensorise (various times during school holidays)
  • Children’s activities
    • Yoga Groovettes (Mondays 4pm to 5pm term time): For girls with special needs, aged 8 to 12 years, led by an experienced yoga instructor
    • Drama Club (Wednesdays 4pm to 5pm term time): For children with special needs, aged 8 to 12
    • SNAPTASTIC (Alternate Thursdays from 4.30pm to 5.30pm term time): relaxed after school session
    • Stay ‘n’ Play (various times during school holidays): For families with primary school aged children with special needs and their siblings.
    • Sensorise (various times during school holidays)
  • Young people
    • Drama Club (Wednesdays 5-6pm term time): For young people with special needs aged 12 and older
  • Parents activities
    • Parent Yoga (Fridays during term time – 9.30am to 10.30am)
    • Coffee Mornings (11.15am to 1.15pm during term time): Occasional Wednesdays for a particular focus group
  • Siblings activities: SIBS4FUN summer scheme (4 days in August – Monday to Thursday): For siblings age 6 to 13 years; a summer scheme with creative and sporting activities
  • Specialist Talks – currently taking place on Zoom.
  • Face to Face Parent Advice Sessions – If there is something you are struggling with that is causing you concern, you can make an appointment to meet with one of our parent advisers at The SNAP Centre. These appointments can be booked via our telephone or email helpline.
  • SNAP Counselling Service
  • Contact details:
    • Address: Pastoral Way, Warley, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 5WF
    • General Enquiries:
    • Helpline: 01277 211300 – 9.00am until 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00am until 4.00pm on Friday.
    • Website:


A disability equality charity which provides practical information and emotional support for anyone with a learning or physical disability.
  • Online community: Our online disability forum is a vibrant and supportive space for disabled people, parents and carers to get disability advice and information, and talk to people with similar experiences.
Sleep Right: A free online, and telephone support service, that helps parents and carers of disabled children to improve their child's sleep. Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, sessions will be run online and by phone until further notice.
  • Navigate: a national mentoring service, that provides online emotional support for parents and carers of disabled children who are finding out about their child’s additional needs.
  • Parents Connect: A 6-week support programme for parents and carers of young disabled people.
    • Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, sessions will be run online until further notice.
    • The service is free and for parents and carers who are aged 18 or over, the parent or carer of a young disabled person between the age of 0 and 18, and living in England or Wales.
    • Each session will encourage you to talk to others in the group, and provide you with information about local and national services.
    • The sessions take place once a week. Apply through the website.
    • Link:
  • Telephone: 0808 800 3333


Is a trauma informed organisation supporting the lives of people with learning disabilities and autism. This is a national service, so anyone living in Redbridge can access it.
  • A range of services to enable children and young people with learning disabilities, autism or both to cope with trauma, and develop healthy relationships.
  • The services can be accessed online or in central London.
  • Services include:
    • Individual and group therapy.
    • Therapeutic support to parents and carers.
    • Sex and relationships programmes for individuals and groups.
  • To express your interest in these services, and get more information, please contact Respond.
o Tel: 020 7874 5485

FIND Neurogenetic Disorders Research Website

  • On this website you will find information on the characteristics and behaviour associated with several rare genetic syndromes including Cri du Chat, Cornelia de Lange, Angelman, fragile X, Prader-Willi, Smith Magenis and Rubinstein-Taybi syndromes, among others.
  • Website:

Cineworld Cinema

Autism friendly monthly screenings
  • Closest branch to Redbridge: South Woodford/Stratford Cinema
  • General information: they take place once a month (usually the last Sunday of the month).
Bookings are open the Tuesday’s before
  • Include sensory friendly adjustments, no trailers, trained staff, disabled access, freedom to move around, and ability to bring your own food and drink
  • You can also download a free social story template online
  • The autistic individual pays full price for the ticket but their carer or companion is eligible for a free ticket
    • For a free ticket the carer or companion must bring a valid Cinema exhibitors association card (CEA)—applications can be found through this link à
  • What to bring: a PIP, DLA, CEA card or note from a medical professional
  • There is NO age limit but do check the age limit of the film


Offer Saturday clubs every fortnight throughout term time and run holiday playschemes in every school holiday for disabled and disadvantaged children from across East London and Essex areas.
  • Free play, unstructured, opportunities in an adventure play setting
  • Sibling’s project: for siblings of disabled children. They can attend holiday playschemes and Saturday Clubs throughout the year at no cost
  • They are aged 6 years and over
  • They have a disabled sibling using ELHAP
  • They are non-disabled
  • School visits: ELHAP visits special and mainstream schools for morning and afternoon adventure play sessions throughout term time.
    • From Tuesday-Thursday each week.
    • Morning sessions: 10.00am-12.00pm
    • Afternoon sessions: 1.00pm-3.00pm.
  • Stay and play: for families that do not receive funding
    • Enables your child to attend ELHAP with a parent (not a carer) who are required to stay with their children and supervise them at all times
    • Costs £5 per day at ELHAP
    • Families first need to register with ELHAP and pre-book their days.
  • ELHAP Bridge Project for young people with Learning Disabilities and Looked After Children who have been excluded from education or are at risk of losing their school place.
    • Offer short term or medium-term placements
    • Main aim: to encourage and facilitate access back into education
  • Transition program: helping young people moving on from children’s services.
    • At the end of the project, you will be able to make informed decisions about your future including jobs, study, interests, hobbies and friendships.
  • Age range: 6-19 for the playground and 16+ for the day service
  • Link:
  • Location: 119 Roding Lane North, Woodford Bridge, Essex, IG8 8NA
  • Contact number: 020 8550 2636
  • Email:

Sycamore Trust

Supports individuals and families/carers of those for whom Autistic Spectrum Disorders and/or Learning difficulties are a part of daily life.
  • For young people with ASD living in Havering, Barking & Dagenham and Redbridge who are aged 10-16
    • Consists of five modules, designed to enable young people with ASD to learn the skills required to live independently and make a contribution to society.
    • Weekly program for 2 hours one evening per week.
    • 2 groups: Alpha Group meets on Wednesday evenings in Rainham.
    • The Bravo Group meets on Thursday night in Dagenham.
  • Youth club (8-13yr): for people with Autism; the club is based in Dagenham.
    • Offers a range of activities such as, arts and craft, cooking, sports evenings etc.
    • All the activities are carefully designed and structured to enable all members, whatever their ability, to engage and interact with the all the activities to the best of their individual ability. This is a mixed abilities group.
    • To attend: phone the office, a home visit / risk assessment will need to be completed with a parent / carer, the young person and one of our team members in attendance.
  • Youth Club (13-18): the club is based in Dagenham.
    • Offers a range of activities such as life skills course (including cooking a three course meal), learning about countries and cultures, trips to the community etc.
    • All the activities are carefully designed and structured to enable all members, whatever their ability, to engage and interact with the all the activities to the best of their individual ability. This is a mixed abilities group.
    • To attend please phone the office. Before attending any club, a home visit / risk assessment will need to be completed with a parent / carer, the young person and one of our team members in attendance.
  • Referrals must come via children's services
  • These services are provided for Barking and Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge and Waltham Forest.
  • For family services please use this website: services/family-services
  • Location: 27-29 Woodward Road, Dagenham, Essex, RM9 4SJ
    • Closest to Redbridge: Autism Hub (Romford)
  • Email:
  • Contact number: 020 8517 9317
  • Link:

Sensory Room

Free sensory room for children with special needs
  • Open from Mon-Fri from 9am-5pm during term times
  • The time sessions depend on the demand of the room at the time, usually the room can be used for one hour maximum.
  • There is NO set age limit for its use
  • Contains sensory toys and activities for children and adults with special needs
  • Address: All Saints' Woodford Wells, Inmans Row, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 0NH
  • For bookings: 020 8504 0266 or 07752 445691;

Leading Our Lives Youth Project

Provide social and leisure opportunities for young people with speech, language and communication needs who live in North East London or surrounding areas.
  • Friday evening youth club: hosted in Hainault with a youth worker, speech therapist and trained volunteer
    • Offers youth club activities such as pool, games, sports, drama, cooking, arts and crafts etc.
  • Girl Talk: a group for older girls to meet up, have fun, and develop their social independence skills
  • Residential trips or events: where the young person is taken out into their community to explore on day and weekend trips.
  • Referrals: contact through email at or fill out the form on this link-
  • Website link:

Kith & Kids

Supports families who have a child with autism or a learning disability to overcome their social isolation. They provide a variety of volunteer-supported projects and services, offering opportunities to learn new skills, make friends, go out and have fun. This service can be accessed by anyone, including families in Redbridge.
  • Family Support Service helps parents and siblings by introducing them to other parents and siblings as well as providing individual information and support.
  • Weekend Clubs (Fortnightly Saturday/Sunday afternoons, during term-time)
    • Workshops run by our professional creative therapists and activity leaders
    • This is currently taking place online.
  • Summer Camp (One-week residential camp at the end of August)
    • Each participant is supported by trained volunteers and together they build a community in which they play and work together on the necessary domestic tasks for a group to live away from home.
    • Potential participants must attend some other activities for at least a year before coming to the Summer Camp
  • D's Day is a special play day for children of all ages and abilities
    • Takes place on the first Sunday in June, 12.00pm - 4.30pm
    • All activities are free
    • Where: Coram's Fields, 93 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1DN

Children’s Centres in Redbridge


The Autism Project

A full time 2-year employment program for young people (aged 18-25) on the autism spectrum, who would like work but need more confidence, support, skills and experience.

Autism – Digital Skills Employability Programme

Caudwell Children are offering an opportunity for young people (aged 18-25) with autism to join our Digital Skills 10-week programme that is aimed at upskilling and introducing you to the world of work within the digital industry.

Redbridge Connexions

Provide information and support for vulnerable young people who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET), those at risk of becoming NEED and those with special educational needs and disabilities
  • For young people ages 13-19 (up to 25 if have special education needs/disabilities) who live in Redbridge

Redbridge Carers Support Service

Offers advice and support to parents caring for a child or young person with a disability
  • Get fit and have fun service: costs £3 for some activities
    • Walking group: Every Mon at 11:00 at Café’ near Banstand in Valentines Park
    • Zumba: Every Tue from 11:45am-12:45pm at Salvation Army
      • Address: 15 Clements Road Ilford IG1 1TX if you are interested please call the office
    • Tai Chi: every Wed from 11:00am-12:00pm at St Mary’s Parish Church
      • Address: 426 High Road Ilford IG1 1TX
    • Chair based exercise: every Thur from 12:30pm-1:30pm
      • Address: Canbrook Baptist Church Wellesley Road Ilford IG1 4JT
    • Yoga: every Fri from 1:00pm-2:00pm
      • Address: Hainault Forest Community Hall, Manford Way, Chingwell IG7 4DF
    • English conversion club: for practicing English every Mon (term-time only) from 10:am- 12:00pm
      • Address: Redbridge Central Library (Clements Road Ilford IG1 1EA)
      • Contact office if interested
    • Activities open to all carers irrespective of age or fitness

Romford Autistic Group Support

Is an independent parent-led support group for families who have children with Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome aged 5+. There is a nominal annual membership fee.

Families Information Direct (FiND)

Provide information and advice on a range of issues that impact family life

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Provide information for parents and carers, about young people's mental health. It is written by psychiatrists and young people working together.


An online support service designed for brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults or who have special educational needs or a serious long-term condition in the UK
  • The service is for children aged 6 to 17
  • Contains information for children and young people about things that might be affecting them such as their feelings, school life, thinking about the future etc.
  • Offers a chat service where you can share your experiences, feelings, and tips with other siblings like them
    • You must log in or register to view the forums—for children and young people age 18 and under
    • These chat forums are moderated by a team member and is not an instant chat service— every post is seen by a team member before they are posted
  • Messages and replies are private unless they would like to have them published so others can read
  • Link:
  • For parents: “Supporting young siblings” contains information on how to support young siblings at home


Supporting siblings of individuals with any disability, long-term chronic illness or life limiting condition
Run over a school day from 10am to 2.30pm
  • Hosted by groups and organizations in health, education, and voluntary sector
  • Workshop for parents: 3-4hr, 15-25 participants—helps parents find ways of giving attention, information, and support to the other children in their families
    • Costs £600 for statutory sector and £500 for voluntary sector plus trainer expenses
  • Dates of workshops:


A national charity which supports children. They offer a variety of family services which all take place at their location in Ilford.
  • Befriending Service: A service for young people aged 14-19 with a moderate learning disability.
Befriender will spend 8-10 hours with the young person per month
  • Activities will be agreed between the young person and their Befriender and are based on their hobbies and interests
  • Lila Service: Barnardo's provide up to 3 hours of home OR digital based play for children and young people aged 1-18 with life-limiting conditions.
    • We give each child or young person a box of individually selected toys for use by the Barnardo's Play Worker, the child or young person and their parent or carer.
  • Well-Being Hub: Provides a range of services to enhance the quality of life for children and young people with disabilities and their families living in Redbridge.
    • Families wishing to access support from the WellBeing Hub can contact the project directly and will then be referred to the Redbridge Child Protection and Assessment team (CPAT) for an initial assessment to be undertaken.
  • Young Carers Service: Barnardo's offers support to young people aged 3-18 who have a substantial caring role which impacts on their educational, emotional, physical and/or social development. Support is offered through the following opportunities:
    • Befriending and mentoring for the young carer, and peer groups
    • Activities, outings and trips during the school holidays
  • Homework club to allow them space and time to complete their studies
  • Referrals can come directly to the project from families, schools, GPs, social services and other organisations.
  • Location: The Indigo Service, 13 Granville Road, Ilford, Essex IG1 4RU
  • Contact number: 0208 554 2888

Contact a family

National charity for supporting families of disabled children
  • Provides online advice on education, benefits, finances, childcare, social care, and medical information
  • Helpline for parents and carers with a disabled child aged 0-25: can provide advice, and emotional support
o Call: 0808 808 3555
  • National programs, across England
    • By your side: Reaching families in hospitals—advisers located in hospitals/other health settings, guide parents through the maze of medical departments and jargon, Help families with pressing issues (benefits, disability living allowance payment, school support etc)
    • Brighter Beginnings: Workshops for parents at the beginning of their journey.
      • Takes place across England, and they're free for all parent carers. For booking information, email
  • Link:

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities 

Have created a booklet: Children and Young People with Complex Health Needs.
  • The booklet aims to offer information and routes to support of a practical nature.

Redbridge Local Offer

Has a directory website covering a range of important, practical information for Redbridge, including:


The Independent Helpline for Special Education Needs
  • They offer a free, friendly, independent and confidential telephone helpline for parents and others looking for information and advice on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).
Call our Term-Time Helpline and speak to an adviser
o Tel: 0208 538 3731
  • Open hours: 9:30-12:30 and 2-5pm
  • Information sheets
    • Offer practical advice on the statutory assessment and EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) process, on how to appeal to the First-tier Tribunal (SENDIST), and on requesting a judicial review as well as a number of other topics.
    • Link:

For Children

Through The Eyes Of Me, by Jon Roberts – ISBN 9781912213009
Blurb from the publishers: A useful picture book to simply explain autism to children, it is a positive exploration of how a young girl with autism perceives the world.
  • The author has personal experience, as he has a daughter with autism.
Survival Guide for Kids with Autism Spectrum disorder by Elizabeth Werdick and Elizabeth Reeve, M.D.
Blurb from the publishers: This positive, straightforward book offers kids with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) their own comprehensive resource for both understanding their condition and finding tools to cope with the challenges they face every day.
  • Dr. Elizabeth Reeve is a certified child and adolescent psychiatrist.
  • Available through Redbridge Libraries:$002f$002fE RC_2092_680$002f0$002fERC_2092_680:OVERDRIVE:4bf27d54-0a59-4d38-b2f3-
8b37e3defc01/one?qu=Survival+Guide+for+Kids+with+Autism+Spectrum+disorder&lm=REDBRID GE
Understanding The Spectrum – A Comic Strip Explanation
Twinkl – Social Stories Resources

For Adolescents

Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence by Luke Jackson – ISBN 1843100983
Blurb from the publishers: A non-fiction book about Asperger syndrome written by the 13- year-old author who has Asperger syndrome himself.
Available through Redbridge Libraries:$002f$002fS
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon – ISBN 0099450259
Blurb from the publishers: A mystery novel about a 15-year-old boy who describes himself as "a mathematician with some behavioural difficulties.”
  • Available through Redbridge Libraries:$002f$002fS D_ILS$002f0$002fSD_ILS:133441/one?qu=9781784707637&lm=REDBRIDGE
The Asperkid's (Secret) Book of Social Rules: The Handbook of Not-So-Obvious Social Guidelines for Tweens and Teens with Asperger Syndrome by Jennifer Cook O'Toole – ISBN 9781849059152
Blurb from the publishers: Ideal for all 10-17 year olds with Asperger syndrome, this book provides inside information on over 30 social rules in bite-sized chunks that older children will enjoy, understand, and most importantly use daily to navigate the world around them.
For Parents
Our journey through high functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome: a roadmap, by Tony Attwood and Linda Andron – ISBN 1853029475
Blurb from the publishers: Families who have lived with autism spectrum disorders describe the ways autism has affected their daily lives, the challenges they have faced and the approaches they have found beneficial.
  • Professor Tony Attwood is a clinical psychologist known worldwide for his knowledge of Aspergers Syndrome.
  • Available through Redbridge Libraries:$002f$002fSD_ILS$00 2f0$002fSD_ILS:579373/one?qu=1853029475&lm=REDBRIDGE
I am special. Introducing children and young people to their Autistic Spectrum Disorder, by Peter Vermeulen – ISBN 1853029165
Blurb from the publishers: This workbook is designed for a child to work through with an adult – parent, teacher or other professional.
  • The author is a senior lecturer at a training and education centre for autism spectrum disorders. He has worked with people with ASD and their families for more than 30 years.
The ASD Workbook: Understanding Your Autism Spectrum Disorder by Penny Kershaw Blurb from the publishers: This easy-to-use interactive workbook gives parents the help they need to explain ASDs to their child and provide practical and emotional support following diagnosis.
  • The author wrote this practical workbook based on their personal experience of working with children with autism and their families.
Can I Tell You about Autism? A Guide for Friends, Family and Professionals by Jude Welton – ISBN 9781849054539
Blurb from the publishers: Tom invites readers to learn about autism from his perspective, helping them to understand what it is and explaining the challenges he faces with issues such as social communication, sensory overload and changes in his routine. This illustrated book is ideally suited for readers aged 7 and upwards.
  • Jude Welton trained as a child psychologist specialising in autism.
  • Available through Redbridge Libraries:$002f$002fSD_ILS$00 2f0$002fSD_ILS:153995/one?qu=9781849054539&lm=REDBRIDGE

For Professionals

Acting antics: A theatrical approach to teaching social understanding to kids and teens with Asperger Syndrome by Cindy B. Schneider – ISBN 1843108453
Blurb from the publishers: This step-by-step program provides a full set of tools for developing social understanding in children with Asperger Syndrome (AS) through drama.
Act It Out: Social Skills for Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Related Disorders by Jeannie Uhlenkamp – ISBN 1942197195
Blurb from the publishers: This social skills curriculum addresses teens’ need to effectively use social skills across settings through motivating scripts, skits, and guided practice. The curriculum is designed for the teacher who wants to have fun, constructive lessons, giving students unique opportunities to show their acting skills and experience emotional responses in controlled environments.
Sexuality and Relationship Education for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Professional's Guide to Understanding, Preventing Issues, Supporting Sexuality and Responding to Inappropriate Behaviours, by Davida Hartman – ISBN 1849053855
Blurb from the publishers: Children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) require specialized teaching strategies when learning about puberty, sexuality and relationships. This professional resource offers practical teaching advice geared towards the needs of young people on the autism spectrum.
Exploring Feelings for Young Children with High-Functioning Autism or Asperger's Disorder: The STAMP Treatment Manual by Anthony Wells and Tony Attwood Angela Scarp – ISBN 1849059209 Blurb from the publishers: This practical manual for professionals provides a set of simple strategies to help children with high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome who suffer from mood difficulties to decrease negative feelings and increase positive feelings in daily life, using a
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach.
  • The book outlines a 9-session program using methods, games and activities that are developmentally appropriate.
  • Treatment components include affective education, cognitive restructuring, social and group stories, and the emotional toolbox.
Exploring Feelings: Anxiety: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to Manage Anxiety and Anger by Tony Attwood
Blurb from the publishers:
  • The Cognitive Behaviour Therapy program, Exploring Feelings, was designed to be highly structured, interesting and successful in encouraging the cognitive control of emotions.
  • The child participating in the program has a workbook for the 6 two-hour sessions that includes activities and information to explore the specific feelings of being anxious or angry.
Exploring Depression, and Beating the Blues: A CBT Self-Help Guide to Understanding and Coping with Depression in Asperger’s Syndrome [ASD-Level 1] by Tony Attwood and Michelle Garnett – ISBN 1849055025
Blurb from the publishers: The book explains and describes depression and how it looks and feels for teenagers and adults who have Asperger’s syndrome. It includes a 10- stage CBT self-help programme with self-assessment tools and practical activities designed specifically for individuals with Asperger’s syndrome. Although developed as a self-help guide for use with minimal professional support, the programme can also be used in group or individual treatment.
Autism Queensland: Understanding Autism
The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH)
A series of podcasts about autism from renowned specialists in Autism
University of Leicester – Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
MindEd provide free e-learning resources to support families and parents of children and young people.
  • You can browse the catalogue of available courses here:
    • In the catalogue (folder view), expand all for the folder “MindEd for Families”
      • Information on staying calm, concerns about your child, common problems, and supporting a child with mental health issues
  • Type the following terms in the search bar to find these relevant courses:
    • Autism Awareness – includes information on experiencing autism, accessible health services and adapting behaviour
    • Children's Emotional and Additional Health Needs – Covers complex and additional health needs, as well as emotional health and well-being needs
    • Autism Spectrum Matters – highlights some of the specific challenges faced by children and young people on the autism spectrum and their families
    • Person to Person – communication skills and building a relationship with a disabled child or young person
    • Early Developmental Support – covers supporting the development of children with learning disabilities in the early years; also, includes booklets on ASD, behaviour, and Down syndrome
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Presenting psychological difficulties – information on identifying the causes, symptoms and likely consequences of troublesome and antisocial and aggressive behaviours in children and young people
Behavioural management in Special Education Needs
University of Kent: Understanding Autism
An online CPD-certified course to help your understanding of autism, including diagnosis, the autistic spectrum, and life with autism.
Minds and Hearts
  • A private clinic for autism spectrum conditions, which has a website with many resources such as screening tools, psychological journal articles and books.
  • Dr Michelle Garnett and Professor Tony Attwood, leading world authorities on Autism Spectrum Disorder, are part of the clinical team.
  • Link:
Making a Difference Toolkit: A communication toolkit developed by Keele University and Assist Advocacy Services in partnership with Birmingham Children's Hospital and others.
  • This toolkit can help communication with children, young people and their families where there is a learning disability.
  • The resources include information on understanding autism, access to healthcare and bereavement.
  • Link:
Books Beyond Words: This organisation has created resources to help people with communication and/or learning disabilities make sense of what is happening to, for and with them in an easy, accessible manner.
Autism Awareness Centre Inc. contains a webpage dedicated to books and products for different topics including Autism and Asperger’s
National Autistic Society: Free learning resources for all age groups at school to help students learn about autism and better understand their classmates.
Young Minds – Transition Tips For Pupils With Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND): A guide to ensure children with SEND feel safe and have appropriate people and places to go to if they need help is essential.
NASEN – SEN Support and The Graduated Approach: Inclusive Practice
  • This guide aims to introduce school staff to the graduated approach to SEN support, with the child and family at its heart, and emphasise the role of class/subject teachers as teachers of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/ or disabilities.
  • Link:
Swinburne University of Technology: Supporting and Engaging People with Autism
This online course will teach you how to solve practical issues in the lives of individuals who have autism.
Game: Secret Agent Computer Game and Board Game (8-12 years old)
Secret Agent Society (SAS) is a social skills approach for 8 to 12-year-old children, with a range of differentsocialandemotionalchallenges.SAShasfun,espionage-themedresourcesandprogram that helps children learn how to feel happier, calmer and braver. It also teaches them how to make friends and keep them.
  • High functioning Autism / Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Anger management difficulties
  • Other general challenges with friendships, team work, conversations or staying calm
  • Link for more information:
  • Buying the game
    • Product name: Fast online access SAS Computer Game Pack (for at home usage)
    • SKU: V2 CGP-FA
o Price: ~£88.97
The Family Fund: UK’s largest provider of grants to low-income families raising disabled and seriously ill children and young people
  • Offer help with essential items such as washing machines, fridges and clothing as well as sensory toys, computers and family breaks.
    • Available for families with children up to the age of 17 years
  • Only available through phone or email contact
  • Contact number: 01904550055
  • Email:
  • Link:
Haven House: offer access to specialist toys and equipment for children with any tye of additional need
  • Toy home loan service: Free but you must meet the criteria: having a child with a life limiting condition
    • Covers all of Redbridge
    • Can access the Home Loan Catalogue via email and choose toys and equipment you would like for your child. These are then delivered to and collected from the family home
  • The hospice itself offers:
Play activities
  • For referral contact 020 8506 5524 from Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Out of houses: 07872198285
Day and overnight stays
  • For referral contact 020 8506 5513 from Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Out of hours: 07872198285
  • Holistic Care Centre: provides access to a range of therapies
    • Includes music therapy, physiotherapy, therapeutic yoga, complementary therapies to reduce stress and anxiety
    • For referral contact 020 8506 5513 from Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
    • Out of hours: 07872198285
Support groups for parents and sibling
  • Coffee mornings for parents/carers and a buddies support group for siblings
  • To join contact 020 8585 9944
  • Access to a fully accessible specialist play area
  • Main website link:
Cebera: charity to help improve lives of children with brain related conditions.
  • Provide information, grants, and publications
    • As well as books and resources from their library
  • Offer online guides for parents to deal with the public sector, education, health care, legal care etc.
  • Link:
University of Leicester – Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Videos to help individuals and families develop a greater understanding of childhood autism. The content includes information on what ASD is, Understanding social and communication difficulties,Understandingandmanagingbehaviouralproblems,Understandingsensoryproblems and Managing sleep problems.
Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks has multiple resources for families affected by autism, in many languages.
  • Romanian – Resources such as the 100 Day Kit, School Community Kit and guides for family members
  • Serbian – The 100 day kit can help you learn more about autism and how to access the
services that your child needs. It contains information and advice collected from trusted experts on autism, autistics and parents.
Introduction to Behavioral Health Treatments and Exploring Feeding Behavior
Chinese/English Bilingual Autism Booklet by Chinese Autism Support Group