Corn in a field and sunset

Clinical Health Psychology Service (Thurrock)

The Thurrock Clinical Health Psychological Therapy Service, which is based at the Thurrock Community Hospital in Grays, offers psychological assessment, signposting and treatment of adults, couples, families and carers who are referred to us.

What we do

The majority of patients with clinical health problems need psychological support in adjusting to their diagnosis and medication, managing their symptoms, and maintaining the necessary lifestyle changes. Therefore, we offer a patient-centred integrative approach to therapy (Person Centered, CBT and Psychodynamic) to help people with long term physical conditions (*LTC) that may be, depending on the situation, short-term or longer-term psychological therapy. We also offer supervision, training and consultation for staff and link-working for other service professionals.

*LTC – The list below is indicative and not exhaustive:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Chronic Respiratory (e.g. Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD))
  • Chronic Pain (e.g. Arthritis)
  • Other Long Term Conditions* (e.g. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD))


Appointments for psychological therapy typically last 50 minutes and are usually held on a weekly or fortnightly basis, but can be arranged more or less frequently if required. Contact by telephone or video-call can also be arranged if it is difficult to visit us in person.

The first two appointments are offered for what is called an initial psychological assessment, and is generally about getting to know you and asking you to tell some of your story, and your health journey. During this assessment, your therapist will discuss with you what you need, whether therapy will be useful for you, and what goals you would like to set for this therapy. A therapeutic contract and a therapeutic plan will follow the assessment which will be reviewed regularly.


Patients eligible for referral to the service

Patients presenting with long-term physical health conditions, and their carer(s) and families to improve their ability to manage the psychological impact of their physical health on their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Referral criteria

  • Will be over 18 years of age;
  • Will be residents of Thurrock or registered with a Thurrock GP;
  • Will have a long-term physical health condition
  • The reason for psychological distress is physical health

Exclusion criteria

  • Patients under the age of 18;
  • Current drug and/or alcohol dependency;
  • Significant risk to self or others and require an MDT MH approach to risk management;
  • Acute mental health episode and complex mental health difficulties and who require an MDT MH team approach;
  • Patients who require intensive pain management;
  • Patients with learning disabilities;
  • Patients with dementia;
  • Patients with eating disorders;
  • Forensic presentations;
  • Patients may be excluded from services in line with the NHS Zero Tolerance Zone (HSC 1999 /226).

Who can refer?

Referrals must be completed ONLY by a health care professional who knows the patient and have their CONSENT to this referral. The referrer could be one of the following:

Nurse, General Practitioner, medical doctor, psychologist, therapist, etc.

Referral form 

Please complete a referral form and send via email to

How to contact us

Grays Health Centre
Brooke Road
RM17 5BY
Contact number: 0300 300 1595

Opening times: Monday to Friday 9:00am -5:00pm

Psychology service lead: Dr Maria Smaga

Risk and crisis contact numbers


This is not an emergency or crisis service. If you are a patient and require immediate support, please call your local mental health services as follows:

Out of hours

03003001570 ( option 4)

Mental Health Crisis Lines

If you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed, or worried about your mental health, you can now contact your local crisis service calling:

111 Option 2 for Mental Health, or Mental Health Direct on 0800 995 1000

If you currently receive a service from a team at NELFT, such as a local community mental health team or a psychiatrist, then you can make contact with them directly during office hours, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. It may be helpful to refer to your care plan, which should have details of who to contact in an emergency.



Please contact 999 and attend your local A and E dept with any imminent risk.

Patient Testimonials