The older adults home treatment team (OAHTT) is a community based treatment service, which provides intensive support for service users who are in a mental health crisis, and their carers. The OAHTT provides an alternative to hospital admission or facilitates early discharge from hospital.
Members of the OAHTT will visit service users up to twice a day in their home gradually reducing to once or twice a week, for a short time period, to help re-establish them back into their surroundings and community.
The OAHTT can:
Older Adults Home Treatment Team
Goodmayes Hospital
Block 8
157 Barley Lane
Tel: 0300 555 1022 ext:65387
Fax: 0844 493 0202
Crisis Number: 0300 555 1000
Referrals must be completed over the telephone with the OAHTT. Referrers will be required to answer a set of questions in full when making a telephone referral.