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Working together to co-produce NELFT’s values and strategy

NELFT’s values and strategy have been co-produced with contributions from over 500 staff, involvement representatives, patients, and service users, to reflect the kind of Trust it aspires to be and how it strives to provide the best care by the best people.

As involvement representatives, being part of this process has been empowering. It has made us feel heard, valued, and respected, as important voices of patients and carers, and we're proud to share our thoughts on what they mean to us:

NELFT Values

We are kind: "I once saw a sign that stuck with me, it said ‘Act of Kindness – Pass It On’. Kindness is about helping others and making someone’s day easier, even in the smallest way. Whether it’s a listening ear, a calm presence, or a thoughtful compliment – these gestures are free and impactful. Kindness is contagious, let’s pass it on. " Gul Begum, Involvement Representative.  

We are respectful: "Respect means valuing each person for who they are, making sure everyone feels heard, valued, and treated with dignity. As a Black Muslim mother, I appreciate when my intersectional needs are considered such as a prayer space, a child-friendly meeting, or culturally appropriate support. Respect is being open-minded and appreciating each other.” Racheal Howison, Involvement Representative.  

We work together with our communities: "The best care happens when we work together – it’s about listening, connecting, and taking action. When services come to where people are such as schools, community centres, and local spaces - it makes all the difference. Prevention is better than cure, and by engaging early, we help people live happier and healthier lives." John Lutchmiah, Involvement Representative.  

As a group, we’ve witnessed the power of these values in action. They build our confidence and self-worth, they make us feel valued and trusted, and when we feel like this, it helps our recovery. 

NELFT Strategy 2025-2030 

This strategy was co-produced with voices from patients, carers, and staff - it belongs to all of us. Its three main goals are:  

  1. Improve health and wellbeing of our communities: Tackling inequalities, promoting healthy lifestyles, and improving accessibility. 
  2. Improve the quality of our services: Strengthening co-production, delivering compassionate care, and equipping staff with expertise. 
  3. Use resources wisely: Using new technologies, ensuring value for money, and reducing waste.

Together, we can make this a success by ensuring our daily actions are aligned to these goals.  

We are grateful that our experiences can contribute to the continued improvement of care at NELFT. If you have a recent experience of using NELFT services as a patient or carer and are interested in helping to improve services, visit here to find out more.

The Involvement Representatives: Gul, Racheal, John L, John P, Maggie, Gary, Megan, Lesley & Shahana.

On behalf of everyone who helped co-produce our values and strategy.

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