ELFT and NELFT Boards came together last month to explore how we can thrive during challenging times and emerge with better quality of care and outcomes for patients.
Read How to thrive in challenging times – Eileen Taylor, NELFT & ELFT joint Chair…Irina start ed getting support from Havering Emotional Support Team (HEST) when her son Bogdan started experiencing emotional difficulties at 5 years old.
Read My son needed emotional support and the only way he would get it, is if I got help myself…Transgender Awareness Week is all about learning from the transgender community to build an understanding and listen with open ears to the community it affects.
Read Trans Awareness Week is a reminder that together we can create a more inclusive society for all…Gul, a 46-year-old mother of four who works in the civil service, was left with both physical and mental health conditions because of a workplace injury.
Read Bridging the gap between mental health services and the South Asian community - An involvement representative's perspective…Since last April NELFT along with East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) and partners across NEL have been running NHS 111 option 2 for mental health, to ensure people experiencing crises can access support 24/7.
Read 'Working in mental health is about giving back and caring' – Join the 111 Crisis Hub in North East London…