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Wishing our patients, staff and communities a safe and blessed Eid

As Ramadan draws to a close this weekend, on behalf of everyone at NELFT, our mental health chaplain, Mohammed Rashid, is wishing all our patients, people in our communities and all our staff a safe and blessed Eid.

In his message, Mohammed talks about the challenges this year has brought to marking Ramadan but how, despite the pandemic, we have continued to see compassion and care from all communities, and the human spirit coming together in a way perhaps not seen before.

We wish everyone who will be celebrating a safe and blessed Eid.

A message from our mental health chaplain, Mohammed Rashid

“As we draw nearer the end of Ramadan 2020, it has undoubtedly been a very unique and challenging month for many, while also providing many glimmers of hope and mercy which can permeate in establishing something more permanent such as peace and comfort.

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, millions across the world will have participated in the month of fasting in a way which is very different from the Ramadan of previous years when Mosques would have been bustling with people worshipping and they would be sharing and enjoying Iftars (Breaking the Fast Meal) with many families in their homes and in various community settings. Most of that has not been possible this year but what we have seen – across  ALL communities - is the human spirit coming together in a manner whereby people have been considerate, compassionate and caring towards one another and this is what I, and I’m sure everyone, would love to continue to see when we eventually overcome the pandemic.

“Eid is due to take place over this weekend and possibly Monday (subject to moonsighting) and will once again test the human resoluteness in terms of managing the fulfilment of a key celebration in the Islamic calendar and following guidelines in relation to the current state of affairs.

“My message is for everyone to look after themselves and their loved ones and have a very safe and blessed Eid.”


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