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When you stop smoking, good things start to happen

blue background, text about stoptober and logos from NHS and NELFT

Stoptober is back, calling on smokers in England to join the 2.5 million others who have made a quit attempt with the campaign since it first launched.

Over 5 million adults in England still smoke, and it remains the biggest behavioural cause of preventable illness and death, with 64,000 deaths a year.

This year's Stoptober mass quit attempt is as important as ever, with quitting remaining one of the best things a smoker can do for their health.

That’s why this year’s Stoptober campaign is encouraging smokers to join the thousands of others who are committing to quitting for the month of October – quit smoking for 28 days and you’re five times more likely to quit for good. When you stop smoking good things start to happen - quitting will allow you to start moving better, breathe more easily and give you more money to spend.

Stoptober offers a range of free quitting tools including: the NHS Quit Smoking app, Facebook messenger bot, Stoptober Facebook online communities, daily emails and SMS, and an online Personal Quit Plan tool.

It provides information and advice on proven quitting methods: the range of stop smoking aids, including further information on how vaping can help you quit, and expert support from local Stop Smoking Services. Just search ‘Stoptober’ for more information or visit the Better Health Quit Smoking Website .

You can also find more information about Stop Smoking services in local areas in the table below.


Stop Smoking Services
Borough Service Name Website
Barking & Dagenham Council in-house branded Community Solutions
Hackney (& City) Smokefree City & Hackney
Newham QMUL — Quit Well
Tower Hamlets QMUL — Quit Right
Waltham Forest QMUL — Quit Right
Essex Essex
Southend Southend Stop smoking services in Southend-on-Sea – Southend-on-Sea City Council
Thurrock Thurrock Thurrock Healthy Lifestyle Service | Public Health | Thurrock Council


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