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The Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative shortlisted for the 2023 HSJ Awards

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We're proud that as part of the Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative, which we've formed with our partners Provide and Essex Partnership University Trust, we've been shortlisted for two HSJ Awards.

The awards recognise outstanding contributions to healthcare and the winners will be announced at a prestigious ceremony later this year.

  1. Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative - Provider Collaboration of the Year Category
  2. Mid and South Essex Virtual Wards and Urgent Community Response Team (UCRT) - Place-based Partnership & Integrated Care Award

A ‘record-breaking’ 1456 entries have been received for this year’s Awards, with 223 projects and individuals reaching the final shortlist, making it the biggest awards programme in the award’s 43-year history.

The high volume - and exceptional quality – of applications once again mirrors the impressive levels of innovation and care continually being developed within the UK’s healthcare networks. Following the thorough judging process, the Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative was shortlisted, ahead of the official awards ceremony to be held later this year (November 16th), with its standing out as a real ‘success story’ worthy of a prized place on the panel’s shortlist.

Eileen Taylor, Chair of the Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative said,

“Our three community provider organisations (EPUT, NELFT and Provide) have come together to reduce unwarranted variation in care and outcomes for people across MSE. By collaborating we have made considerable progress: built relationships, had honest and open conversations, shared our strengths, weaknesses and resources and explored solutions together. By working together, we have been able to unscramble complex issues and ease thorny challenges and demonstrated tangible benefits for our population, staff and system.”

HSJ editor Alastair McLellan, adds;

“It always gives me great pleasure to congratulate our finalists at this stage of the judging process and this year is no exception as we acknowledge Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative for being shortlisted in these two categories. It’s been so encouraging to hear that 2023 has been record-breaking in terms of the number of applicants and, as ever, the calibre of entries left our panel of expert judges with some tough decisions to deliberate over.

“However, it’s always important to remember that the HSJ Awards are not just a celebration of success stories but also a platform to shape the future of the NHS. We can’t wait to welcome our finalists to the awards ceremony in November and to recognise and applaud such impressive achievements across the sector – as well as coming together to help mark the 75th birthday of our great NHS. Huge thanks also go to our new headline partner, Vodafone, who share our mission of driving the standard of healthcare excellence and creating better patient experiences.”

The selected winners will be announced during the awards ceremony at Evolution London on November 16th 2023. The event will not only reflect the HSJ Awards’ enduring ethos of “sharing best practice, improving patient outcomes and innovating drivers of better service” but will also serve as a timely and well-deserved thank you to the sector during the 75th anniversary year of the NHS.

The 2023 awards judging panel was once again made up of a diverse range of highly influential and respected figures within the healthcare community, including; Crystal Oldman, Chief Executive, Queen’s Nursing Institute; Dr Habib Naqvi MBE, Chief Executive, NHS Race and Health Observatory; Anne-Marie Vine-Lott, Director of Health, Vodafone; Sir Jim Mackey, National Director of Elective Recovery, NHS England, as well as a range of esteemed Chief Executives from NHS Trusts across the UK.

The full list of nominees for the 2023 HSJ awards can be found at

alongside details of the Awards partners at

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