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Thank you from Oliver Shanley


An enormous thank you to everyone in how you are all responding the challenges that we are facing as a result of Coronavirus. I have seen first-hand how colleagues are responding to this unprecedented situation and it is incredible.  I wanted to ensure that you know that this does not go unrecognised and I am enormously grateful for the  support you are providing to those that we serve.

These are unprecedented times for the NHS and for NELFT as an organisation, as such it is essential that we look after each other, thoughtfulness and kindness are essential now more than ever. It is important we look after our health and I urge you to ensure that you take some time through the day to check in with yourself and how you are feeling and ensure you are following the guidance on the NHS national website regarding self-isolation which can be found here

Thank you all again for your hard work and dedication during this challenging and difficult time.

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