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Thanet Emotional Wellbeing Team celebrated for life-changing impact on local families

Photograph of Emily Barker, Senior Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner, Jodie Bing, Assistant Director, Faye Taber, Senior Clinician & Supervisor, Dr Virginia Lumsden, Clinical & Strategic Lead / Consultant Clinical Psychologist, and Amy Adkins, Senior Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner, blue background, NELFT logos

The Thanet Emotional Wellbeing Team, a team of specialists trained to help children at school with their emotional wellbeing and mental health was celebrated at the Trust’s annual awards earlier this month.

The team was among the Highly Commended for the difference they make to young people and their families in the community.

Not only that but they have demonstrated a remarkable team ethos ─ supporting each other through training courses, navigating processes, and most of all working together to ensure families in Thanet get the best possible support.

The team is specially trained to share ideas about looking after mental health, and to offer early help with emotional wellbeing and mental health difficulties. Getting the right support early can help prevent problems getting bigger, and help children and young people enjoy school, home, time with families and friends, and other activities.

The overwhelmingly positive feedback the team has received from those who use the service, but also schools and partners alike shows the difference that their passion, enthusiasm, and determination makes.

 Gill Burns, Director of Children Services at NELFT, said:

“We are very proud of our team in Thanet for all their hard work and dedication. The support Emotional Wellbeing Teams provide across Kent schools is vital in ensuring children and young people can live full lives and fulfill their potential. The impact for families and carers as well as the wider community is invaluable.”

Emotional Wellbeing Teams are a government initiative also known nationally as Mental Health Support Teams. Find out more about the support available at Kent - Emotional Wellbeing Teams | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

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