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School children create animation for the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)

Illustration of year 6 children lining up waiting to be seen by a school nurse.

School children from Hunters Hall Primary School in Dagenham have contributed drawings for an animation to raise awareness of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP).

As part of the NCMP the NHS and local councils use weight and height data from school-aged children to plan and provide better health services for the future. The North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT), school nursing team visit schools to measure children’s height and weight, ensuring these assessments are conducted privately and sensitively.

Some children may feel anxious about the process, with concerns ranging from being measured in front of peers to fears that they may be receiving vaccinations. To help with these worries, NELFT has co-produced an animation designed with children’s drawings for school nursing teams to show to pupils in Year 6.

The video has already been shared with Year 6 pupils and is part of the effort to plan healthcare for the future, while also encouraging healthy choices for children, young people and their families.

The animation offers reassurance and explains what happens on measurement day and most importantly that everyone is different, and healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes.

Maureen Ryan, NELFT school nurse in Dagenham said:

"Taking part in the NCMP isn’t painful or difficult and it’s good for everyone as it helps us plan healthcare for the future. With your permission, staff will weigh and measure your child at school while they’re fully clothed, and all results are kept private. If your child has any questions or worries, we're always here to support them." 

See below to watch the full animation:

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