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One week left to book your flu and COVID-19 jabs

Nurse in hospital, with NELFT logos

The North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) is urging those eligible for the flu and COVID-19 vaccines to come forward to ‘get winter strong’.

The vaccinations are available until the 14 December for those eligible to book to receive potentially lifesaving protection, ahead of the festive season.

The flu and COVID-19 are different viruses that spread from person to person and could make you very poorly. Some people are at more risk of severe illness than others.

You may be eligible for the flu Jab and COVID-19 vaccine, if you are pregnant, 65 years old or over, you have some chronic health conditions, including respiratory conditions, diabetes, heart conditions, liver disease, some neurological conditions, a weakened immune system, and sickle cell disease. Young children aged 2 and 3 are particularly at risk from flu.

Judith Lewsey, NELFT nurse and flu campaign lead, said:

“With the weather getting colder, the flu and COVID-19 vaccines can help you and your loved ones get winter strong. They can help prepare your immune system, helping to make you better able to fight off these illnesses if they come your way.

“It only takes a few moments to get vaccinated. Join the millions of others in taking up the offer ahead of the festive and new year season when flu and COVID-19 are expected to peak. Now is the time to get protected.”

Anyone eligible for the jabs has until the 14 December to book using either the NHS online booking system, NHS App or 119 phone service.

Some people may be able to get vaccinated through their maternity service, care home or their employer if they are a frontline health or social care worker. You do not have to wait for an invitation before booking an appointment.

Flu and COVID-19 vaccinations will still be available after 14 December (up until 31 March), by contacting your GP surgery or at some pharmacies. 

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