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Newham social worker makes a difference to the lives of rough sleepers

Image of Julia Jones next to the Amazing Social Worker 2023 logo

Julia Jones of Stratford in Newham has been nominated as an Amazing Social Worker by the British Association of Social Workers (BASW), for her relentless work helping rough sleepers.

The BASW nominated her in recognition of her outstanding work, spanning over 30 years. This award recognises those who have made an exceptional contribution to social work across the UK and have demonstrated a commitment to improving the lives of those in need.

Julia leads the NELFT Redbridge Rough Sleeper Mental Health Team covering Redbridge, Barking & Dagenham, Waltham Forest, and Havering.

The 63-year-old social worker helps rough sleepers by walking for miles in all weather, ensuring that they get the support they need. Her unwavering dedication to the values of social work has changed the lives of many people over the years.

Her advocacy for homeless people with mental health difficulties has taken the mother of four and grandmother of nine, to forests, car parks, squats, tents, hostels, and hospitals where she visits them, come rain or sunshine.

For Julia, social work is a calling, she said:

“It’s amazing and I feel humbled to be nominated at a time when I’m reflecting on my career. I’m grateful for the support I receive which enables me to do my job to the best of my ability.”

Jacqui Van Rossum, NELFT acting chief executive, said:

“Julia’s work has touched countless people, providing them with the support they need to rebuild their lives.

“Her dedication and commitment are truly inspirational, and we congratulate her on this well-deserved nomination.”

The nomination is part of BASW’s World Social Work Month - a campaign to celebrate social workers, who have exceeded their daily call of duty.

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