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New nutrition and dietetic online resources hub

Nutrition and Dietetics, NELFT logos

The Waltham Forest Nutrition and Dietetic team have developed a new online resource hub for adults.

The Nutrition and Dietetic Service provides specialist nutrition information for both adults and children. Registered Dietitians translate scientific information about food into practical dietary advice to those who require a special diet as part of their medical treatment.

The new online resource is divided into five categories:

Healthy eating for long term conditions, which includes Type 2 diabetes information and cholesterol-lowering foods.

Weight management, which includes portion size and weight loss information.

Gastrointestinal, which includes IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) advice.

Nutrition support, which includes Food First/Food Enrichment advice and information.

Micronutrient deficiencies, which includes Vitamin D, Folic Acid, and Iron information.

To access the resource hub go to: Waltham Forest - Nutrition and Dietetics - Resources | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

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