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New infant feeding support service for new mums in Thurrock

Photograph of mum breastfeeding baby, NELFT logos

NELFT is introducing an extended seven-day week infant feeding support service in Thurrock.

Parents in the area can now contact a support worker with questions about feeding their baby via  Facebook  or call 0300 300 1999 Monday to Sunday, from 9am to 5pm.

First time mum, Holly, who gave birth to Freddie three and a half weeks ago, came to the service after a difficult experience in hospital. She said:

“After giving birth to Freddie, I contacted the infant feeding team for support. I found the team very easy to speak to and very approachable. They are always at the other end of the phone and are very supportive.

“I have also had in-person face-to-face support where the team gave me step by step advice with Freddie. It has been really reassuring to know that the infant feeding team are present in the community and follow up with you after you see them.

“For any new mums, I would really recommend the infant feeding team. They are there to answer any of your questions and support both you and your baby.”

The Infant Feeding and Family Hub team can support parents with all aspects of feeding their baby, whether that is helping them to breastfeed for as long as they want to, or support with formula feeding and introducing solid food.  

The team offer research-based guidance on infant feeding and all staff who provide one-to-one support have successfully completed a UNICEF Course and receive regular updates and reviews of practical skills.

Talk to an infant feeding specialist Mon-Sun, 9am to 5pm on Facebook  or call 0300 300 1999.

Visit the website for more information, help and resources:  Thurrock Brighter Futures Healthy Families - Infant feeding | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust 

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