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NELFT’s Havering Community Learning Disabilities Team finalists for Royal College of Psychiatrists Awards 2022

 NELFT’s Havering Community Learning Disabilities Team (CLDT) have been shortlisted for a Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) award under the category ‘Psychiatric Team of the Year: Intellectual Disability’.

 The annual RCPsych awards identify and celebrate outstanding RCPsych members and their work, as well as highlight pioneering projects working towards improving people’s mental health nationally and internationally.

 Havering CLDT is an integrated health and social care team. The team demonstrated excellent commitment and resilience under challenging situations and have continued to offer the best care for their service users.

 In order to be recognised for the award, the team had to demonstrate how they keep their service-users voice at the centre of all innovations. They did this by introducing a patient engagement lead to play an active part in all service development.  

The RCPsych awards will take place on 9 November. See the full list of categories and finalists here.

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