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NELFT worker named Rising Star at the London Annual Regional Awards

Blue background with stars, Rising Star Award text, NELFT logos

Sofiya Khan-Ringshaw, NELFT Finance Administrator, has won the Rising Star Award at the London Annual Regional Awards 2023.

The 2023 awards included a new category called the Rising Star Award, which was awarded to Sofiya for showcasing exceptional promise, potential and her recent achievements in NELFT’s Finance department.

The awards ceremony, celebrating the achievements and commitment of the local healthcare community, took place at the Healthcare Finance Management Association (HFMA) London Regional Annual Conference earlier this month.

Sofiya said:

“I was so incredibly grateful to have even been nominated, but to have won the award feels like such an achievement. I look forward to continuing to work with all the amazing people, who have got me to where I am today and cannot thank my manager and the Finance team at NELFT enough for their continual support. I hope to continue to make them proud.”

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