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NELFT staff take part in military training event in London

Photo of NELFT staff and London-based Reserve unit staff smiling at the camera behind a mannequin on a stretcher

NELFT took part in The Exercise Sharp Shooter event hosted by the City Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association at the Honourable Artillery Company.

The event saw six teams from various organisations compete in training exercises set up by London-based Reserve units. This was a great opportunity for attendees to see how military skills are transferable and get an insight into life in the Armed Forces. 
The NELFT team comprised of Kristina Andonova, Sarita Waller, Richardson Allen and Omokwe Kingsley – representing a diverse mix of clinical and non-clinical members of staff from across the Trust. 
Kristina Andonova, Armed Forces Champion at NELFT said: 
"This was a fun event which I truly enjoyed! It enabled me to gain a better understanding of military life, and I also picked up new skills which can be useful in civilian life. The NELFT team displayed teamwork skills, hard work and enthusiasm to complete the exercises, ranging from laser gun shooting to bomb disposal and medical emergency simulations." 
As an Armed Forces friendly employer, NELFT was honoured to take part in the event. 
Kristina added: 
"It is important for the NHS to work in collaboration with the Armed Forces so that there is better knowledge of the needs that members of the Armed Forces community could have in healthcare. Furthermore, having Forces Reservists amongst NHS employees can greatly benefit the NHS. Reservists have valuable knowledge and unique skills through the training they receive in the military.” 

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