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NELFT Shortlisted For Two HSJ Patient Safety Awards

We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for two HSJ Patient Safety Awards, recognising their outstanding contribution to healthcare. Following one of the toughest years in the health and social care sector, we continue to champion patient safety amidst challenges that the health and social care sector is facing. 

Rizwana Dudhia, advanced clinical pharmacist for learning disabilities, has been shortlisted in the category 'Learning Disabilities Initiative of the Year' at this year’s HSJ Patient Safety Awards, for their STOMP (Stopping over-medication of people with learning disabilities, autism or both) project.

Our Ethnic Monority Network has been shortlisted for their 'Working Together for a Better Tomorrow' strategy in the Changing Culture category.

The shortlist was created from hundreds of applicants with tough competition, we are very proud of both teams for being shortlisted and wish them luck in their presentations to win! Please join us in saying congratulations to both teams! 


STOMP is a national project introduced by NHS England in 2016 involving many different organisations working to reduce and stop the overuse of psychotropic medicines. Our local STOMP service covers the boroughs of Redbridge, Havering, Barking and Dagenham and Waltham Forest and started in November 2020.

The STOMP clinic for these boroughs sits within NELFT and is run by Riz. The project is also supported by the NEL CCG’s Learning Disabilities and Autism programme team.

The project aims to promote the safe use of psychotropic medication for people with learning disabilities and/or autism ensuring they are prescribed the right amount for the shortest time possible. In turn this should allow for patients to live an improved quality of life and increase their safety by reducing the risk of unpleasant and unnecessary adverse effects of psychotropic medication. 

Rachel Penney, Learning Disabilities and Autism Strategic Lead at NEL CCG, said "STOMP is a key priority for the North East London Learning Disabilities and Autism Programme, and NEL CCG is delighted to have worked with NELFT on delivering this piece of work. It is fantastic to see evidence of how patients’ quality of life has improved as a result of the project, and we are immensely proud of what our colleagues in NELFT have achieved in such a challenging year.”

The judging panel is made up of a diverse range of highly influential and respected figures within the healthcare community including Sue Smith OBE (Executive Chief Nurse and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, University Hospitals Morecambe Bay FT), Rachel Power (Chief Executive, The Patients Association), Dr Hester Wain (Head of Patient Safety Policy, NHS England and NHS Improvement).

Working Together for a Better Tomorrow

The EMN’s Working Together for a Better Tomorrow strategy targets improving retention rates, reducing formal disciplinary and bullying and harassment cases involving patients and staff and encourage incident reporting. Its objectives are focusing on: 

  • Hearing the patient’s voice: Quality Improvement methodology exploring the experience of black men being detained under the Mental Health Act.
  • Using the Just Culture framework to review policies.
  • Using the National Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) to explore the position at doctors and medical staff.
  • Closing the gap in the disproportionate rates of disciplinary action.
  • Training and facilitated discussions in having difficult conversations.

Harjit Bansal, head of equality and diversity, said: "I am extremely proud of the EMN for being shortlisted in these prestigious awards. The network has worked tirelessly to ensure that NELFT is a place where everyone has equal opportunity for career progression and where bullying and harassment is tackled fairly. The network are excited to continue their great work with the new strategy and look forward to making even more improvements in the future. Fingers crossed for a win in September!"

What's next?

The full list of finalists for the 2021 HSJ Patient Safety Awards can be found here.

The judging panel is made up of a diverse range of highly influential and respected figures within the healthcare community including Sue Smith OBE (Executive Chief Nurse and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, University Hospitals Morecambe Bay FT), Rachel Power (Chief Executive, The Patients Association), Dr Hester Wain (Head of Patient Safety Policy, NHS England and NHS Improvement).

Winners will be selected ahead of the ceremony, which will take place as part of the Patient Safety Congress and Awards in Manchester in September 2021.

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