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NELFT receives highest honour award for extraordinary services to residents of Basildon

Basildon Council officially bestowed the Freedom of Entry to the Borough to NELFT at an awards ceremony celebrating extraordinary services to residents during the coronavirus pandemic.

Freedom of Entry status is awarded in exceptional circumstances to organisations who have demonstrated outstanding achievements and have brought pride to the borough. It is the highest award that Basildon Council can give on behalf of its residents.

Jacqui Van Rossum, Executive Director - Integrated Care (London) and Vice Chair, Sultan Taylor (pictured), attended the awards ceremony on behalf of the Trust.

Jacqui Van Rossum, Executive Director - Integrated Care (London), said: “It’s a great honour to accept this award on behalf of our incredible staff who worked tirelessly to help care for our loved ones, under the most challenging of circumstances.

“We must never underestimate or forget what NHS staff have done for the communities they serve, and so I thank Basildon Council for this prestigious recognition.” 

Other NHS organisations awarded the Freedom of Entry to the Borough, includes:

  • Basildon & Brentwood Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
  • East of England Ambulance Service
  • Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust

Leader of Basildon Council, Councillor Andrew Baggott said: "On behalf of the council, I would like to give our sincere thanks and gratitude to all of the borough's keyworkers who have kept our country going since the coronavirus pandemic began.

"The NHS in particular has provided heroic service to our borough during the COVID19 pandemic and have saved countless lives with their dedication and care. The last twelve months have probably been the most challenging of their working lives, both emotionally and physically and it is important that we acknowledge that and thank them."

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