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NELFT proud to be named as a Working Families Top Ten Employer 2021

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We are proud to announce that work-life balance charity, Working Families, has awarded our organisation a place on its prestigious and competitive list of the top family-friendly employers in the UK. 

Now in its twelfth year, employers large and small from across the public, private, and third sectors compete annually to gain a coveted place on the charity’s list of Top Employers for Working Families. 

The full list of this year’s Top Ten Employers for Working Families – in alphabetical order – are: 

  • American Express
  • Citigroup
  • Crown Prosecution Service
  • Grant Thornton
  • Independent Living Fund Scotland
  • NatWest Group
  • North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT)
  • Pinsent Masons
  • Welsh Parliament (Senedd Cymru)
  • Yorkshire Building Society

Employers were assessed using Working Families’ Benchmark and were scored on four key areas to build a comprehensive picture of their flexible and family-friendly policies and practices that specifically support mothers, fathers, and carers.

Jane van Zyl, CEO of Working Families, said: “After an incredibly difficult year for employers and employees alike, we’ve been blown away by the high standard of this year’s entries. If anything, it’s been more competitive than ever, as more and more employers realise just how vital it is to offer flexible, family friendly policies and a positive, inclusive culture to attract the most diverse talent. I’d like to congratulate each and every worthy member of our Top Employers list 2021.”

How did NELFT achieve this?

The benchmark involved the Trust being assessed on our flexible and family-friendly policies and practices and how these are implemented in our organisational strategy, culture and policies to ensure consistent practice. The Trust achieved this by fully reviewing and amending the current flexible working policy to ensure this meets the needs of our staff.  As part of the WoMen’s network who we set up a Parent & Carers Network (PCN) to support parents and carers across the Trust and promoted initiatives such as Carers Week, Carers passport and access to training events for parents and carers.  

As a result of the benchmark the Trust will receive a fully comprehensive report on how we can further improve to ensure that the Trust supports our staff in terms of flexible, and family friendly, policies which are reflected across the Trust as a whole. This will include the introduction of our new flexible working policy, revised retirement guidelines and further developments in terms of encouraging membership of the Trust’s network groups.

Simon Hart, executive director of people & culture, said: "I am delighted that the hard work of NELFT colleagues to support this important agenda has been recognised at a national level. Recognising and supporting the challenges and pressures that sit on colleagues with families whilst continuing to deliver high quality care is part of the NELFT just and compassionate culture to which we aspire. The support of our WoMen’s network has been invaluable in helping us deliver the initiatives that have led to this recognition and we are very grateful for their ongoing commitment and support for making NELFT a better place to work."

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