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NELFT Nursing Associate nominated for Student Nursing Times Nursing Associate Trainee of the Year Award

Nursing Associate Leanne Martin from the Apprentice Nurse Associate March 2021 University of East London Cohort was nominated as a finalist for the Student Nursing Times Nursing Associate Trainee of the Year Award 2023.

The award was in recognition of Leanne always being a courageous advocate for her patients, ready to highlight and challenge poor or unsafe practice throughout out her Apprentice Nursing Associate programme. In addition, Leanne was recognised as being always ready to improve her practice in line with new skills and knowledge that she gained from her course and to share contemporary research findings relevant to her service, with her team.

Leanne worked alongside the NELFT Patient Safety Lead, Lucy Millard on a project to raise awareness on delirium and to promote holistic comprehensive assessments, individualistic interventions and clear documentation on patients suspected of delirium. Together they contributed to the Royal College of Nursing ‘Don’t Discount Delirium’ campaign. Leanne did further work on delirium with her University of East London lecturer. Because of her passion for quality patient care, on 14 February 2022, Leanne was nominated by her colleagues to meet the then Secretary of State for Health, Sajid Javid when he visited Rochford hospital.

The Nursing Times judges noted “gone over and above and taken back into placement - self-directed learning to reduce admissions of those with delirium - real demonstrable improvements in care and outcomes. A real leader for the NA role and advocate for change. More longevity in her future. What else can she achieve in her time as an Nursing Associate. Commitment to evidence-based practice, found a gap in practice, and searched for the evidence to improve!”

The prestigious event was held at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane, London on 28 April 2023. Debbie Smith, Director of Nursing / Patient Experience, Riina Hilton, Practice Experience Programme Team (PEPT) manager and Mandela Dube, Senior Clinical Facilitator at PEPT, attended the event to celebrate with Leanne. 

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