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NELFT nurses celebrated for helping baby boy with rare childhood cancer

photograph: Clare, Helen, Michael, Jayne, choir behind, NELFT logos

Children’s nurses Jayne Delaney and Clare Churchman, from NELFT's Children's Community Nursing team in Waltham Forest, won a charity ‘Hero Award’ for supporting a baby with cancer. 

The nurses were nominated by Helen Duffy mum of 3-year-old Michael, who was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a rare type of childhood cancer when he was only 11 months old.

Helen, who presented the award along with a now healthy Michael, at the Christmas carols concert organised by the Solving Kids’ Cancer charity, said:

“The clinical care that they provided was just one small part of what they did for us. They provided continuity, understanding and compassion.

“It meant the world to know that there was someone who understood what you're going through, without explanation. Who rooted for your child as they went through treatment and could see them for who they are, rather than the cancer they have.

“There are no sufficient words to express our gratitude, and the debt is so much. We love them so much.”

photograph: Helen, her son Michael, choir behind, Jayne and Clare

Photograph: Helen and Michael with NELFT nurses, Jayne and Clare

Children’s community nurses in Waltham Forest provide nursing care to children and young people aged 0-19 in their own homes in order to reduce attendance and admissions to hospital and expedite hospital discharge.

Jayne, Children’s Community Nurse, said:

“Visiting Michael and his family was a real pleasure and to be on this journey with any family is a privilege. Seeing them go through the worst experience of their child’s life and making even a small difference is why we do the job”. 

Clare, Children’s Community Nurse, said:

“Receiving any sort of recognition for what our whole team does day to day was such a lovely surprise, but to receive it from one of our families was incredibly humbling. We have loved being with Michael and his family during this whole time and love to receive all the updates and milestones he reaches”. 

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