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NELFT NHS Charity spreads joy with Christmas gifts for patients in hospital

The NELFT NHS Charity is offering gifts to patients spending the festive period in hospital. Hundreds of patients across 21 wards across north east London, Essex and Kent will receive a gift, thanks to the generosity of supporters’ fundraising efforts and donations.  

The charity funds projects that improve service user environments, support patient activities and enhance staff wellbeing. It also provides non-essential equipment to ensure that patients can access the highest quality of care when they need it most.  

Dr Mohit Venkataram, NELFT Deputy Chief Executive, said:  

"How fabulous to be able to bring Christmas Cheer to our service users who are admitted in the hospital in this time of goodwill and forgiveness! Our NELFT NHS Charity supported by 11 thousand NELFT staff is continuing to ensure Christmas is special for those away from their family and loved ones at this time. Our charity supported by us reminds them that they are thought of and valued during this time of year. This wouldn’t have been possible without your incredible generosity and support. Thank you for helping us make a difference."

The NELFT NHS Charity’s impact extends beyond the festive season. The charity has supported numerous projects, ranging from creating calming therapeutic spaces to providing extra resources for community health services.  

Find out how to get involved here NELFT NHS Charity 

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