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NELFT marks LGBT+ History Month

Four LGBT+ people celebrating LGBT+ history month and NELFT logos

The theme for this year’s LGBT+ History Month is Medicine – #UnderTheScope. The theme celebrates LGBT+ peoples’ contribution to the field of Medicine and Healthcare, both historically and today.

The theme aims to showcase the amazing work of LGBT+ staff across the NHS and in other healthcare settings, in providing healthcare, especially during the pandemic, whilst still shining a light on the history of the queer community’s experience of receiving healthcare, which has been extremely complicated leaving people still facing health inequalities even today.

It is wonderful to have a theme that is so fitting for the NHS. LGBT+ staff and their allies help deliver an inclusive service to all, especially the many LGBT+ patients and users of service at NELFT. They are often the ones who are leading the way in reducing health inequalities through their actions. 

As part of this year’s theme, NELFT will be sharing stories of LGBT+ staff on social media. Follow here: Instagram, X (Formerly Twitter), and Facebook.

Reema Huzair from NELFT’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team said:

“LGBT+ History Month 2024 and its theme of #underthescope is a time for all staff particularly those who sit outside of the queer community, to reflect on the incredible contribution of LGBT+ people working in healthcare. It’s important for us to look back at queer doctors, nurses, researchers and more, who have experienced significant achievements whilst having the courage to live their authentic lives or disclose their LGBT+ identity”.

“With a large number of LGBT+ patients and service users, we appreciate the guidance provided by LGBT+ staff, for shaping our healthcare to better suit their needs. Our LGBT+ Staff Network supports the Trust to deliver the most inclusive and progressive care for all patients. We will continue to work on improving policy and provisions until we have a service that patients of all identities are proud to be a part of.”

At NELFT, the LGBT+ Staff Network will have various initiatives in place to support understanding of the community across the Trust, including patients and users of service. 

To find out more , visit:  LGBT+ History Month | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

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