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NELFT London Eating Disorder Service receives full QNCC Accreditation for Best Practice

The NELFT (London) Eating Disorder Service has joined two other Eating Disorder Services in the country in achieving full Quality Network for Community CAMHS accreditation from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

The NELFT (London) ED service began in 2009 as a small team of six and has grown over the last decade to a larger and more established team delivering high quality care across the lifespan. The team prides itself in working closely with service users, their families and partnership agencies. QNCC commended the team on their delivery of evidence-based practice as well as incorporating Emotion-Focused Family Therapy as an innovative approach to working with eating disorders.

QNCC completed a detailed and multi-staged review, looking for evidence of best practice and examples of delivering the highest level of care. An important part of the review included feedback from young people and families who said: “The team have made me feel involved in my child’s care from the start” and “The service has really helped us…. They explained how to understand the illness, validated us and the skills we learnt were amazing”.

Overall, QNCC felt that the team “were operating at a high level, with multiple examples of best practice.” EDS were also commended on their strong links with partner agencies. EDS are delighted to have received this recognition of their hard work and dedication to patient care.

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