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NELFT LEAP Programme Shortlisted For Nursing Times Workforce Summit Awards

The Leaders Empowered to Achieve Potential (LEAP) programme within NELFT has been recognised as a finalist for the Nursing Times Workforce Awards in the category of Best Employer for Diversity and Inclusion.

The award aims to recognise an organisation that has made a significant improvement and continued commitment to the diversity of its workforce.

The LEAP programme incepted and augmented at NELFT two years ago. It has revolutionised the availability of talent within our ethnic minority colleagues. Through motivational coaching and personal developmental journeys, 53% of Cohort 1 went up a pay band and assumed greater responsibilities. In terms of the most recent Cohort, we have just heard back from seven participants who have achieved internal senior positions and two external promotions.  

Our LEAP programme is now running a second cohort and there are high aspirations for all participants.

The awards are on the 22 November at the Hilton London Metropole.

Thank you to our Network leads and all those who’ve supported the LEAP programme.

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