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NELFT launches new recruitment video

Image of members of NELFT smiling

The North East London NHS Foundation Trust has launched ‘We are NELFT’ a new video showcasing the wide range of career opportunities available as part of a recruitment drive to attract candidates to join high-performing NHS teams making a difference in communities across Essex, Kent and Medway, and North East London.

With a focus on highlighting the dedication to patient care, commitment to professional development and staff wellbeing the short video captures the organization's diverse workforce and compassionate culture.

Nurses and doctors, psychologists and physiotherapists, dietitians, speech and language therapists, podiatrists, and corporate staff at all stages of their careers making a difference in the Trust’s community and mental health services feature in the short film.

Watch the video here: We Are NELFT - YouTube

Simon Hart, Director of People at NELFT, said: 

“We’re very excited to introduce this new recruitment video as part of our ongoing efforts to attract the best people to offer the best care in the communities we serve.

Our people are fundamental to delivering outstanding services. By fostering a just and compassionate culture built on trust and transparency we aim for a workplace where everyone, who works here can feel empowered to help us deliver positive change for our patients.”

Find out more about NELFT careers and what makes our Trust a great place to work here: NELFT Careers website

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