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NELFT is Employer of the Year Finalist at the Ex Forces in Business Awards

Image of a union jack with text reading NELFT is a finalist f the Employer of the year award.

NELFT has been shortlisted for Employer of the Year award at the annual Ex-Forces in Business Awards, the world’s largest celebration of military veterans in second careers.

The awards are dedicated to providing a much-needed platform for uncovering and showcasing the business achievements of ex-military, presenting them as role models to service leavers, and recognising the employers that support current and former members of the British Armed Forces.

The Ex-Forces in Business Awards have led the way in showcasing the second-career achievements of over 1,200 UK veterans and reservists at events which have been attended by thousands of employers and engaged with by millions more online.

This year’s awards programme, which returns to London for the sixth time on 29 June has attracted more than 1,100 nominations.

Lt. Gen. Sir Andrew Gregory, CEO at SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, said:

“As a former Chief of Defence People, I know just how important it is to have strong visibility of forces friendly employers and of veterans who have transitioned into meaningful second careers. These awards lead the way in amplifying that visibility, which makes us very proud to once again be the official charity partner of this important awards programme. 

“Our warmest congratulations and sincere thanks go to all those who have been shortlisted for this year's British Ex-Forces in Business Awards. They set such a tremendous example for how military-gained skills and values can be successfully applied across all sectors."

The winners of this year’s British Ex-Forces in Business Awards will be announced and celebrated at a glittering awards ceremony at the Grosvenor House hotel’s prestigious Great Room on Park Lane. TV presenter and broadcaster Jacqui Oatley MBE returns as the host to welcome over 1,100 business and military leaders to the landmark event.

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