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NELFT finalist at the Celebrating Forces Families Awards

Finalist Award for the Forces Families Awards and NELFT logos on right hand side

NELFT has been shortlisted for the Public Service Award, a new category for 2024, at the Celebrating Forces Families Awards.

The awards bring together the Armed Forces community and recognise the accomplishments of military families.

NELFT is nominated for their support as a public sector organisation to armed forces families and staff members.

The winners will be announced at a black-tie award ceremony held at the Leonardo Royal Hotel London City on the 26th of April 2024.

Simon Hart, Executive Director of People and Culture, said:

“I am delighted that we have been shortlisted for this accolade. We have a long history supporting veterans and armed forces families; and we appreciate and recognise the value that serving personnel, reservists, veterans, and military families bring to our organisation”.

Find out more about the support NELFT offers to the Armed Forces Community as an Armed Forces Covenant Gold Employer here: Armed Forces Covenant | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

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