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NELFT celebrates Pride month

NELFT colleagues celebrating Pride

NELFT is proud to be marching at Pride in London again this year.

Pride events are a celebration of the LGBT+ community around the world. Pride Month honours important gay rights protest, such as the Stonewall Riots in New York in 1969 and is a reminder of the need to keep on fighting for LGBT+ rights.

Whilst it is an opportunity to have fun it is also a chance for activists to advocate for human rights, to stop being ashamed and declare pride for who they are no matter their gender or sexuality.

Reema Huzair (She/Her), Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion lead for the LGBT+ staff network is a queer woman of colour who identifies as omnisexual and demisexual. She said:

“Pride offers a platform where queer people of colour can be seen and heard, countering the historical and ongoing erasure within both LGBTQ+ and global majority communities. This visibility is crucial for fostering a sense of belonging and validation for us.

“Pride is an opportunity to highlight the unique challenges faced at the intersection of race and queerness, such as higher rates of discrimination, violence, and socioeconomic disparities. It becomes a space to advocate for policies and cultural shifts that address these intersecting oppressions.

“Historically, queer people of colour have been at the forefront of LGBT+ activism. Pride serves as a reminder of this legacy of resistance and the resilience we know we have, for navigating the challenges we face.”

Pride month is also an important time for allies to be advocates. Allies are people who bring about positive change for people that identify differently to themselves. Allies are heterosexual (straight) people showing support for lesbian, gay or bisexual people and cisgender (non-trans) persons showing support for trans people, including non-binary people.

Emma Woodward (She/Her), Lead ally for the LGBT+ and allies staff network, said:

“Pride is especially important to me this year as we celebrate 10 years of equal marriage rights for the LGBT community, a celebration of the resilience, dignity and increased visibility of the LGBT+ community but also a protest as to how far we still have to go as a society before there is true equity with the heterosexual, cis-gendered population.

“I would urge all of our allies to step up this year and support our Pride events, not only will you enjoy a fabulous day filled with colour and celebration, but your support and visibility makes a huge difference to our LGBT+ colleagues in their fight for equity and takes a stand against the abuse still experienced daily by many.”

Pride month events

NELFT will be attending London Pride in June and Black Pride in August 2024, which is the largest celebration for LGBT+ people of African, Asian, Carribean, LAtin American and Middle Eastern descent.

Members from the LGBT+ and allies staff network are hosting stalls at the events on behalf of NELFT.

London Pride:

·         Date: Saturday 29th June 2024

·         Place: London

UK Black Pride:

·         Date: Sunday 11th August 2024

·         Place: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford, London.

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