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NELFT NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of community health and mental health services across the north east London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Essex and Kent and Medway.

Read the latest NELFT news, including information on our services, new trust staff, research and development of our services.

NELFT appoints new Integrated Care Director for Redbridge

Image of Sanjiv Luckhea

NELFT is pleased to announce the appointment of the new Integrated Care Director for Redbridge, Sanjiv Luckhea.

Sanjiv has served as the Assistant Director for Adult Community Health and Social services in Redbridge for NELFT since 2017. He started his career in healthcare as a registered nurse in 1993, working in several clinical roles including as District Nurse, Community Matron, Diabetes Specialist Nurse and Advanced Clinical Practitioner. He has served as the Borough Lead Nurse in Newham under East London Foundation Trust

He’s also been awarded an MSc in Health Care Leadership in 20216 and became a Nye Bevan graduate under the aegis of the NHS Leadership Academy in 2020.

Sanjiv aspires to contribute to making Redbridge a great place to live and work, supported by NELFT’s 5Ps and LBR’s values of honesty, fairness, excellence, and collaboration which underpin all interactions with residents, colleagues, and partners.

Sanjiv said:

“Growing up in Mauritius, I was the first generation to benefit from free public services like education and health care. I know that public services are to serve residents and those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged in our society”.

“As the Redbridge Integrated Care Director, I aspire to improve the lives of the third most ethnically diverse community in London and a large diverse workforce by actively collaborating with residents, colleagues, third sector, health, and care organisations.”

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