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Mid and South Essex Virtual Wards Among Top Performers in Occupancy Rates

MSE Virtual Wards, Caring for people in their home, avoiding admissions to hospital

Virtual wards (also known as hospital at home) allow patients to get the care they need at home safely and conveniently, rather than being in hospital. The NHS is increasingly introducing virtual wards to support people at the place they call home, including care homes.

This innovative approach is delivering high quality care for people at home – where they would rather be - either by preventing admissions or allowing them to leave hospital sooner to continue their treatment at home.

Just as in hospital, people on a virtual ward are cared for by a multidisciplinary team who can provide a range of tests and treatments. This could include blood tests, prescribing medication or administering fluids through an intravenous drip.

Patients are reviewed daily by the clinical team and the ‘ward round’ may involve a home visit or take place through video technology. Many virtual wards use technology like apps, wearables and other medical devices enabling clinical staff to easily check in and monitor the person’s recovery.

Matthew Sweeting, Interim Medical Director at the Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board, said:

I am very proud to announce that the virtual wards in mid and south Essex are among the top for occupancy rate in the country. This means that we are working hard to ensure we are making best use of all of the available resources we have and allowing more people to be cared for at home.

"I know most residents want to avoid a hospital admission, if they can, and the virtual wards gives us the opportunity to provide high quality care in the comfort of your own home, supported by our staff and advancing technology.  This is essential in supporting our health services in the years to come. I want to thank our dedicated staff and partners for their unwavering commitment, contributing to the success of our virtual wards in caring for individuals.”

The Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative is a partnership of three organisations who deliver community services:

Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT)

North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT)

Provide Community Interest Company (Provide CIC)

Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative (MSE) | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

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