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Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative finalists at the HSJ Awards 2023

Photograph of MSECC team as finalists for HSJ awards, NELFT logos on right

The Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative (MSECC) was a finalist in two HSJ award categories at the prestigious ceremony, where organisations are recognised for their exemplary achievements in delivering health and care.  

MSECC is a partnership between North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT), Essex partnership University Trust (EPUT), and Provide Community Interest Company (Provide), and its purpose it to provide better care together.

The first category was for the Place-Based Integration award, where MSECC had nominated its virtual wards and Urgent Community Response Teams (UCRT), for enabling patients to be cared for in their own homes and improving the quality of life for people and their families. 

The second category was for Provider Collaboration of the Year. The MSECC has an extensive transformation programme and teams across the collaborative have been overcoming cross-boundary challenges to reduce inequalities and provide equity across mid and south Essex. Some achievements to date include reducing wait times for people, reducing job vacancies and avoiding admissions to hospital. 

HSJ editor, Alastair McLellan, told the awards audience:

“Make no mistake, if you are here tonight, you have competed against hundreds of projects which themselves would have been rightly lauded in the past. You’ve raised the bar – and then leapt over it. Everyone here tonight – win or lose – should be very, very proud of themselves.”

 James Wilson, Transformation Director at MSECC, said:

“By entering the HSJ awards, it gave a great opportunity to reflect on all of the progress made by our colleagues in MSECC. Being shortlisted was a real honour for all involved and has helped shine a spotlight on the positive impact we are having on patients.”


For more information about the MSECC visit:

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