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Marking LGBTQ+ History Month

February is LGBTQ+ History Month, a time to celebrate and recognise the contributions and accomplishments of the LGBTQ+ community. The month recognises the history of LGBTQ+ civil rights movements, celebrating how far we have come in the fight for equality, whilst also reflecting on the discrimination that many people in the UK and around the world still face today for their sexual orientation or gender identity.

This year’s theme is Activism and Social Change. This aims to celebrate LGBTQ+ people who have been activists and helped shape and create social change, advancing society for everyone.

Colleagues at NELFT shared why LGBTQ+ history month is important to them.

Reema Huzair (she/her), Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Lead, said:

Photograph of Reema

’'LGBTQ+ History Month reminds me of the way that queer women of colour like Marsha P Johnson and Sylvia Rivera fought for the rights we have today, and how it’s vital we continue their work.’’





Jesse ‘Jay’ Beaman (he/him), Peer Support Worker, said:

Photograph of Jay

‘’LGBTQ+ History Month is so important to me as it is an opportunity for us as a community to remember and celebrate queer individuals and remember those who are no longer with us but are never forgotten. A time to come together and share our history and help promote safe visibility and support to the community.’’ 



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