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NELFT therapists create new podcast on managing racial-based stress and trauma

Following the death of George Floyd and the protests and movements across the world, psychotherapists from our Redbridge Talking Therapies team, Whitney Blackstock and Jenny Palmer, have put together a podcast available to staff, our patients and communities on managing racial-based stress and trauma. 

During the pandemic, the team  have been providing a series of 30 minute podcasts for our staff and communities to help develop coping skills. Each episode features members of the team guiding listeners through strategies for everything from coping with worry, low mood and solation, to loneliness, relaxation and mindfulness.

Jenny said: “With everything that is going on right now, Whitney and I believed strongly that we have a duty of care, not just as psychotherapists, but also as Black women. 

“We were anxiously racking our brains as to what we could do. Whitney, being the proactive therapist that she is, researched and found the B.R.E.A.T.H.E technique; an acronym for a word that over the past few weeks has evoked so many meanings, trauma, stress and sensitivity. How do we help our people breathe and cope at this time? Thus was born the podcast on how to manage racial-based stress and trauma. 

“We invite anyone who has not only felt affected by what has happened in the last few weeks, but has been impacted by racism in their lives to listen and share with your friends and families.

“Black Lives Matter.”


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