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Long standing NELFT Governor recognised as a Platinum Champion.

We are thrilled to share the news that Mark Dale, Governor at NELFT, was one of 490 Platinum Champions that were selected from across the UK to receive one of the Platinum Champions Awards.

Together with the Royal Voluntary Services President, HRH The Duchess of Cornwall, and in partnership with The Big Jubilee Lunch, the awards were part of an official Jubilee project to celebrate the outstanding volunteers across the country who are making a difference every day, which perfectly coincided with Volunteers Week across the nation.

Mark was nominated and chosen as one of the 490 award winners from a list of thousands from all over the UK for his outstanding commitment to volunteering, not just as a Governor here at NELFT, but for the many other roles that he holds including; being Deputy Chair of The National Charity Togethers National Steering Group, an NHS Governor, and sitting on the national working group for Approved Mental Health Practitioners. Mark’s award was in the Mental Health and Companionship category.

The official letter confirming the award came on the 18 May, but Mark was not able to share the great news until the Jubilee celebrations had begun.

Commenting on the nomination and the award, Mark said:

“I am deeply humbled and proud to have been given this award, it truly feels unbelievable because everything I do I love so much, it’s not like doing any kind of work. I am also so proud of some of the projects I have been a part of which truly makes a difference to people who have a mental illness or mental health issue.”

All Platinum Champions received a specially designed pin and signed certificate from HRH The Duchess of Cornwall and were invited to attend a special edition of The Big Jubilee Lunch in London on 5 June.

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