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Limited spaces left for the Relational Care Faculty Launch event on 5 February – register today

Image saying: Limited spaces left. Make sure you register for Relational Care Faculty Launch today. Wednesday 5 February.

The Relational Care Faculty is hosting a launch event on Wednesday 5 February from 10am-4pm at the City Gates Conference Centre in Ilford.

NELFT is the first NHS trust to establish a Relational Care Faculty (RCF) to transform mental healthcare for patients and their families. 

Relational care nurtures non-hierarchical trusting relationships between those needing mental health support, their family, the community they live in and their care team. The innovative approach can help achieve positive outcomes in treatment while also promoting freedom, autonomy and choice.

Peer-supported Open Dialogue as a mechanism for achieving relational care, the national context and the strategic direction of the faculty are some of the key themes that will be covered on the day.

If you work in mental health and would like to attend please complete this Registration Form to confirm your place on a first come first serve basis. 

Follow the link to view the agenda for the day RCF Launch Event Agenda

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