Kent Emotional Wellbeing Teams and Medway Emotional Support Teams mark Mental Health Awareness Week
The theme for Mental Health Awareness Week running from 15-21 May, now in its 23rd year, is ‘anxiety’. Across the UK, people are encouraged to get involved by sharing their experience of anxiety and the things that can help.
Managing and improving feelings of anxiety and prevent them from developing into a more serious mental health problem. The Kent Emotional Wellbeing Teams and Medway Emotional Support Teams will be sharing resources with schools to promote understanding of worries, fears and anxiety as well as the ongoing offer of mental health support available in local schools.
Dr Virginia Lumsden, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Clinical & Strategic Lead of the Kent Emotional Wellbeing Teams and Medway Emotional Support Teams, said:
“Feeling worried and anxious is something that is a normal part of everyday life. In fact, as human beings we’ve evolved to feel fear in certain situations. This prepares our minds and bodies for action that can keep us safe.
“For example, the feelings of anxiety that we might experience when trying a new activity for the first time ensure that we are alert to any potential dangers. Sometimes, however, these feelings can be overwhelming, and stop us from doing activities we enjoy or cause us to avoid certain situations.
“Our teams offer reassurance about normal, everyday feelings of fear and worry, at the same time as information and support for children and young people who may find that anxiety is getting in the way of making the most of opportunities.”
Schools and other education settings play an important role in supporting the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. They can promote good emotional wellbeing, support the learning of social and emotional skills, reduce the stigma associated with mental health difficulties, and spot potential difficulties early on to support children and young people to get the help they need.
To find out more about Kent Emotional Wellbeing Teams & Medway Emotional Support Teams, please click here.