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NELFT NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of community health and mental health services across the north east London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Essex and Kent and Medway.

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Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams work with local services to produce school guidance for neurological disorders

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Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams (known locally as Emotional Wellbeing Teams Kent and Emotional Support Teams Medway) work in schools and closely with wider education services to support with the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children in school.

Working together with the local educational psychology services, their combined effort has resulted in the brilliant step forward of developed guidance for schools across Kent and Medway on how to manage functional neurological disorders (FND) presentations in school.

When a group of local schools recognised concerns around FND and brought these to the local CAMHS services for guidance on management, it enabled a space for joined up working between MHST and local services to be created, which helped continue the development of relationships and dedicated time to work for the benefit of all involved.

Katherine Anderson, Head of Service for MHSTs explained:

"Partnership working is really important in children's mental health services. Mental Health support teams believe that working within education settings (in particular schools) to help staff understand the needs of children and young people when they present with difficulties relating to emotional wellbeing and mental health is vital to helping keep children and young people in education while they recover.

“Joint ventures such as co-writing guidance for schools around mental health with education experts is important to ensure the advice schools provide help that is guided by up-to-date research and NICE guidance, as well as in a format and language they understand.

“By working together, we can increase the knowledge and confidence of staff working in schools and reduce the belief that emotional wellbeing and mental health can only be supported by specialist services.  If we all work together, we can improve outcomes for children and young people."

The guidance has been well received locally and already gaining recognition outside of the county as a useful document.

To find out more about the Kent and Medway MHST’s, visit: Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

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