News and events

News and events

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NELFT NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of community health and mental health services across the north east London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Essex and Kent and Medway.

Read the latest NELFT news, including information on our services, new trust staff, research and development of our services.

Join the Learning Disability event in Waltham Forest on 21 June

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Join the NELFT Waltham Forest Learning Disability Team at the Open Day during Learning Disabilities Awareness Week, 17-23 June.

The theme for this year’s event is ‘Do you see me?’ This is about challenging the barriers people with a learning disability face.

To book a place:

To help plan for the event and to ensure that we provide enough catering, we would be grateful for your support in completing the Event Booking Form below.

It would be great if you submitted your response by 14 June 2024.

Event Details:

Friday 21 June, 30 Coleridge Road, Walthamstow, E17 6QU

Please contact Cherry Muncal, Interim Service Manager, if you have any questions.

Cherry can be reached via email or call 0208 928 8300.

Please scan the QR Code and complete the registration form.

QR Code for WF LD Event 

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