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Join the annual North East London Mental Health Summit

Our annual mental health summit is taking place on 28 March. The event is open to service users of mental health services, carers, staff, partner organisations and is centred on improving the mental health and wellbeing of local people. The theme is ‘500 days: Looking back, looking forward, and celebrating working together’.

The summit will give attendees the opportunity to both hear about what has happened so far and to contribute to what happens next. Join to reflect on the conversations had, the changes and developments made, the challenges set, and what is still to be done.

Stories will be shared of improvement work from the past 500 days, all aiming to improve outcomes and experiences for the populations NELFT serve across north east London. There will be opportunities to join groups and discussions, sharing and collaborating on next steps.

This is a day organised and run by lived experience leaders from across north east London. If you cannot join in person, there will be an online version running on Monday 7 April.

Book for the in-person event or the online session here - 

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