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JNCC and Staffside say farewell to our Chief Executive and NELFT Chair

On the 10 November 2021, Professor Oliver Shanley OBE attended his last JNCC with Staffside in CEME,which was conducted virtually and in person.

Joe Fielder, Chair of NELFT was also present as a guest observer to the JNCC. Ubaidul Hoque, Chair of Staffside on behalf of all Staffside colleagues, said farewell to Oliver and thanked him for his outstanding leadership of NELFT during this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. Ubaidul gave a very passionate speech which praised & reflected Oliver's tenure as the CEO. He described the privilege and honour they have felt in knowing and working under Olivers’s leadership. Ubaidul commented that;

“Oliver led the staff from the front. His reassuring, caring and compassionate leadership touched the heart of all members of the NELFT staff fraternity. Oliver’s captaincy of NELFT will be remembered and cherished for years to come."

Ubaidul also commented that that;

“Under Oliver’s leadership, he leaves behind a diverse Board of great depth, talent, strength and skills, all of whom possess a high level of cultural intelligence. Oliver will always be a part of the family in Team NELFT, and his legacy will be remembered for years to come."

Joe Fielder, Chair of NELFT also thanked Oliver for his outstanding leadership, and commented on his tenure as CEO as;

"Progressive and positive which has laid the foundation for the challenges NELFT face in the future."

Oliver was presented with a special hamper. Gifts included a special engraved tankard to remind him of NELFT whenever he chose to indulge in a pint of Guinness!

Joe Fielder shaking hands Staffside also took the opportunity to recognise, acknowledge and thank our Chair, Joe Fielder for his services to NELFT for the past nine years. Joe’s tenure as chair comes to an end in April 2022 and Ubaidul described Joe as;

“A man of the highest integrity, possesses a high level of moral values, a selfless Chair, who puts best practice above all when it comes to governance,  who often sacrificed very charitably his time and effort to ensure NELFT delivered the best care and ensured staff voice was pivotal in decision making. Joe has steered NELFT through a very turbulent time and we should feel proud, privileged and honoured to have such a coveted Chair with unparalleled and incomparable skills leading NELFT who has truly built a team NELFT."  

Staffside presented Joe with a couple of engraved wine glasses to express their gratitude for his selfless service to NELFT, including a small hamper and other gifts as gesture of gratitude and in recognition to Joe for his outstanding chairmanship of NELFT.

Engraved glass  Engraved glass

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